What is a "Sheldon"?

by GetBusyLiving 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    My name Nicolas means victory of the people, parents probably choose names they like or remind them of something pleasant such as a good acquaintance, the catholics/orthodox may also choose the name of a saint they believe has helped them and they thus owe him a favour.

  • potleg

    I know someone who named her kid...Moses Zoom Zoom (last name Lucas) I feel sorry for hat kid when he gets to school.

  • greendawn

    Or what about Dick Hyman which sounds so close to Dick Hymen?

  • katiekitten

    Aw Sheldon, I feel terrible. Is this my fault?

    I take it all back. Sheldon isnt an accountants name at all. Its a he man, testosterone fuelled, iron pumpin' lady humpin' Steve McQueen style MANS man. Honestly.

  • talesin

    Shel, count your blessings. At least you're not from Dildo!!!



  • Undecided

    My name Kenneth means handsome. How did my parents know I was going to be handsome when I was born?

    Ken P.

  • GetBusyLiving

    LMFAO Talesin!!! Shhhhhhhhh!!


  • Mary
    GBL asked: Who in the HELL made up our names and, more importantly, why the HELL did our parents pick them??

    Ah look at it this way, it could be alot worse.......your parents could've named you Zerubabbel or Nebachadnezzar.

  • delilah

    My ex's brother's name is Sheldon, and if Mrs. Jones is correct, about the meaning, then he definitely looks like he crawled out from a hill.....Yikes!!!!! Ther's no way any woman in her right mind would be screaming out, "SHELDON" during the throws of passion....not with him anyways....lol...he resembles a shrew.....


  • orion

    When i was pregnant with my first son, i wanted a different name then the norm so i told my mom i wanted to name him Cain but spell in Kayn.... she was very upset....Why would i want to name my son after the first murderer in the bible ... so i named him Kylee (Kylie) which is a male Irish name.....a few years later all of a sudden there are all these girls named Kylie...now people always asume he is a girl if they haven't met him..... Kylee Orion is a very easy name to yell though when i want his attention "KYLEE ORION!!!!!!!"

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