Could we be right, and they be right too?

by JH 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • M.J.

    I think even if they had all their religious teachings generally right, their organizational claims are still quite presumptous and fantastic.

    Terry made a great point. The WTS will imply their teachings are human and fallible ONLY in the context of of thier past failures. Present teachings are promoted as if they were the explicit word of God, not potentially fallible human interpretation. So whether or not the WTS is viewed as imperfect humans or as God's direct representatives totally depends on the context of the discussion.

  • heathen

    I think I am right when I call the publishing corporation the evil slave and false prophet . I think they were right about a few things such as the trinity doctrine but it did take them awhile to get that right so in fact were wrong about it at one time . Some good points are being made . We are told by the WTBTS that they have an exclusive hot line to God and that they have had nothing but truth coming off their printing press but a long hard look at the facts show they continue to redefine truth in order to sell magazines . The bible says there is only one truth and that truth is jesus .

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I now believe that God has many 'people', belonging to many different religions and many different walks of life.

    There's good and bad people everywhere!!!


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