One of the 144,000

by out of the box 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • delilah

    Evita, ....that's so wrong, how your mother was treated. I remember an older sister, when I was young, who claimed to be of the remnant. I was too young, really, to fully appreciate what that meant. I wonder how she was REALLY treated, now that I've read Frannie's post, and yours. I often think, that if Jesus were to actually come into the congregations today, how impressed he'd guess is, that he wouldn't be. The love isn't there.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Eva, your story, sadly, rings so true. I was spied on and ridiculed very much and changed congregations several times a year during the last ten years in the borganization. So sad for your Mom.


  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Frannie, I am interested in your story!

    out of the box

  • stopthepain

    These accounts are a living testament of how CRAZY this cult is.I'm torn between vomiting and laughing.

  • katiekitten

    Shit, Frannie, im sorry! I was never rude or anything, I just secretly thought they were nuts.

    If I was god and I was going to choose anyone to come to my house for tea, Id definately pick someone as gorgeous as you. (But thats cos im as shallow as a puddle!)

  • BluesBrother

    Comiserations with Eva's Mum and Frannie.. it is not right !!

    My own memories of the anointed in my childhood is more akin to Blondie's post. We had at one time a Cong Servant as they called them then , who was of that calling. He was a sincere man with a love of scripture which he could quote all day - somehat old fashione but he and his wife were decent folk. I have known one or two that became loopy in their later years too.

    I do not think that the Borg has improved with their passing

  • tabbycat

    I didn't know women could be annointed..,? My memory of these things isn't that fantastic - it's been a long time since I was 'in' and this board has brought back memories that had been filed away in the darkest recesses of my mind!

  • luna2

    I never personally met any who claimed to be annointed. I guess my great grandfather was one...but I never knew him either. Heck, I didn't even know I had JW relatives until after I started studying.

    Just from having viewed various behaviors in the congregations I attended, I'd say that the brothers and sisters probably have a certain critera that they expect those claiming to be annointed to meet and woe to anyone who doesn't fit their preconceived ideas.

    People in general can be terribly cruel, and Jehovah's Witnesses, for all their touting of "love" and "kindness" and "sprituality", are as bad or worse than any you can find in the evil world.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Knew several in the sixties. I can remember the memorial being a regular feast, the plate was seriously empty when it got sent around. All the annointed were old then.

    I think that Frannie may have been mistreated because she came in under the 1935 closing date and was a woman, more emotional and prone to a false annointing experience they assume. That's probably thier take on it.

    One annointed lady years later, in the 1980's told me that she was annointed by a voice that called her down the stairs of her apartment. She heard her name and came down the stairs and was told she was anointed. Hmmmmmm. Seems like the old annointed were less heebeegeebee like.

    Frannie, I don't care if you're annointed or not, you're alright with me!


  • evita

    W. once

    My mother was born in 1935 so I don't know what scriptural principles applied to her professing to be of the anointed. But i know she was not "heebeegeebee". She was a loyal and very devoted dub for over 30 years. She pioneered often and went to every meeting. She learned sign language and attended a deaf cong. for a number of years. She studied constantly and gave all of herself to jehoba. My mom was smart and talented; after she died I found many songs she had written in praise of jehoba.
    Her problems with the congregations began because she was a very legalistic dub who had no qualms about calling the elders and others on their missteps. The JW religion taught her well how to sit in judgement of others but no elder likes to be shown the error of his ways. In addition, she married a JW who reportedly abused her and she divorced him against the counsel of her elders.
    She took her "calling" as one of the 144,000 very seriously and studiously.
    I never knew what to make of her professed anointing. At the time I was disgusted because it was more religious crap and I was just sick of it all.
    All I know is that this religion took my mother; her love, life, talent, energy. Everything. It sickens me that they would reject her and threaten her with disfellowshipping after she devoted her life to them.
    All I wanted was my mom back. Oops, it's too late. She's dead.


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