One of the 144,000

by out of the box 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    I wanted to share this story.

    We were (many years ago) going out in service. I was in the car with annointed one driving, his wife and the person who had 'brought me into the faith' and my daughter. We went through an intersection where this old man (annointed one) was not paying attention. I mentioned that a car was coming from the left and possibly did not notice us coming in too. I was looked at and a finger went on her (one who brought me in) mouth for me to 'hush'. Her head nodded nooo, no no!

    In about 3 seconds the car hit us on the side I was sitting on. We all got out of the car. I had a badly bruised leg where my daughter's head hit it as she tumbled onto me. I was all shook up. We assesed the damage and they talked to the other driver. And we ALL GOT back into the car. They continued on to service!!! I had to go door to door with an old man who couldn't complete a sentence and kept getting 'lost' as to his direction as we came back out to the sidewalk. This was supposed to be 'good for me to get spiritual food from an annointed one'.!!! They all flatly denied I was hurting and would not take me to the hospital for an xray!

    The next day, at the meeting, I showed that sister the 8" round black and blue on my leg from the accident. She smiled and said, that will heal! She said 'don't mention this accident to anyone else' we wouldn't want to say anything negative about the annointed one!!!

    When he gave a lecture, it was for 10 minutes of 'wisdom' where he fell asleep during an unfinished sentence! He died about a year after that time. And, of course he went on to his reward in the heavens with the other 144,000 to rule.

    out of the box

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    That is too weird, on the way home from the book study one winter night we got ass ended by the study conductor who was one of the annointed. My parents filed no police report, fixed our car out of their pockets and fixed the guy who hit us car even though he was financially better off.

    As has been pointed out so many times on this board the blindness to their own fallacies just amazes me, my parents would always just go off on the deference Catholics paid to priests and bishops but couldn't see the same sort of thing going on with how Dubs treated the annointed.

  • under74

    jesus ootb. That's a good story. The annointed lady that went to my cong was a complete mental case and not from age. I even heard her curse but she was one of the annointed so when I told my mom about stuff I saw her do and say my mom told me not to ever speak of it again. I mean this lady would start laughing hysterically and LOUDLY in meetings and everyone ignored it because she was in the ruling party because she was in with the Jesus party...because she said she got a special feeling when she was baptized. All crazies say stuff like that.

  • blondie

    Actually, I have known many JWs that felt they were anointed, going to heaven. A few were eccentric because of the ravages of time, but most were sincere. The ones I knew were fairly good Bible students and were more energetic than us newbies when it came to spending time talking to people about the Bible. No coffee breaks then. They told me how field service was a full day event, morning and afternoon; how they would have a small picnic lunch and dinner later. On Sundays, the 2 meetings followed.

    Except for one (and she was "special"), no one ever told me that they had special knowledge from God but that I could know what they did through prayer and Bible study.

    But I'm older and from a 3 generation JW family.

    I do remember JWs (of the GC) who thought there was some special holiness connected with these individuals but I never saw these individuals encourage that thinking but discouraged it. One always pointed out that all the early Christians were annointed and look at the problems they had.

    Blondie (remembering the anointed she knew with fondness, wondering where the love went in later generations of JWs)

  • Undecided

    My grandma was supposedly one of those anointed. She was a kind loving person. She was the inspiration for getting all her children involved in the JW faith. I think my grandpa went along with it to keep peace in the family. She could tell a good bible story to us kids. I remember the one about the bear killing the children who was kidding the old baldhead prophet, the flood, and the ass talking.(Mine does that lately after a good pinto bean supper) Oh! that was an animal, I remember now.

    Ken P.

  • HoChiMin

    I think the so called anointed are treated special out of a fear motivation in most cases. They can get you from heaven very easily. That idea stems from how the congregations are, they are out to get each other.


  • greendawn

    From what I read I get the impression that many of the so called annointed are nuts who subjectively think that they have a special connection with the divine, but never explain why they should be so special, on what merit. The GB are precisely of this type. I happened to meet one annointed but he was very spiritual, sincere, and objective in his approach.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    well, if it's "how you treat jesus' brothers" that determines whether or not you are in the new system, then you'd better treat jesus' brothers good! i think that is a big motivation in the jw's practically doing obeisence to the 144,000

    bethel minute

  • Elsewhere

    This is exactly why so many "holy" people appear so "holy"... everyone around them is conspiring to hide all of their faults.

    If people stopped hiding the faults of the "holy" ones the "holy" ones would appear no different than anyone else.

  • Carmel

    I remember as a pre-youth having to sit in the car with one of the "elect of Jesus". He smelled awful but no one dared say a word. I asked about it one day after the Sunday talk and was chastized for it. It wasn't until much later in life I realized the smell was cigarette smoke and everyone was covering for the old fart for smoking and trying to hide it. Oh what a tangled web we weave....


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