would you come to my funeral?

by Ms. Whip 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ms. Whip
    Ms. Whip

    i read joelbear's post about his friend's daughter dying. what a very sad story. ((((joelbear)))) i'm truly sorry. i was angered not only that such a young life was lost...but, that the last part of her life was marred with the horrid experience of judgement and shunning. it makes me completely ill.

    when i hear of someone dying before they have lived, it scares me. it makes me wonder why am i still here and will i be tomorrow?

    i know the subject of funerals has probably been touched on many times. but, i guess i wanted to ask you...do you ever think about your own funeral. and if so, who's there? and more importantly do you care?

    i do not wish to make light of the sorrow and sadness that we all have experienced when someone we love so much leaves. but, it pisses me off that those of us who devoted our entire lives to a religous organization end up with no one at our funeral.

    why can't i have my funeral while i'm alive and invite who ever i wanted? even if you don't know me, you could come and tell me how great i was and what a difference i made in your life. we could play games guessing when and how i will die. i'll laugh and cry...but, at least i'll know i didn't die alone. -whip

  • Frog

    Your right of course Ms, Whip...we should say everything we need to say to our loved ones before we kick the proverbial bucket. I would most definitely attend your pre-funeral proceedings, I'd be happy to say wonderful things about you, which I'm sure would be all mostely true! Frog xx

    post script: but don't go a dieing on us anytime soon will ya:))

  • FlyingHighNow

    Read the book Tuesdays With Morrie. Morrie knew he was dying with ALS. He went to a friend's funeral and was saddened that people had waited until after his death to say such wonderful things about his friend. So Morrie decided to invite people to eulogize him while he was alive. Great idea.

    I always think it's terribly sad when people make a big candle light vigil when someone like John Lennon dies. Why do they wait until after a celebrity dies to honor them with 24 hour news coverage and tributes?

    Let people know how you feel about them while they are alive!

    Where do you live? I'll attend. Most people I know don't live near me. My funeral will not be overly attended.

  • prophecor

    So much so to the point that I took out a life insurance policy on myself and my wife and keep it paid. This is the first time I've done it on my own, apart from my employers doing it for me and me not having to think about it. Now it's me making sure that the monies are in the account so that that monthly it can be deducted. I've paid for my mother's funeral ahead of time. It was on an installment plan over the course of 5 years. I'm now considering buying my own. It's something of a comfort for her to know that her final departure is already been taken care of. I often think I would prefer not to have a funeral at all. I've not led a very good legacy as regards my life, as opposed to those who've accomplished some great things in thiers. Funerals are for those who have left good things for those behind. Memories, devotions, commitment. A lot of destruction has been left in my wake as a human. I look behind, like a ship that's going to sea, and the lifes waste of energy and human misery are what's dregged up from behind.

  • Es

    Great topic Ms whip I think bout my funeral all the time its rather morbid actually, I know i want lots of photos around of my life... i always wished i could see who attended my funeral see who crys see who doesnt it.I love the idea of having a funeral while alive, i reckon if i knew i had a terminal illness and i knew i was close to the end i would hold my onw wake while im alive a last chance to see some people and tell everyone i love them. How sad es

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I know what you mean, MsWhip. A patient that I cared for recently died. She was only 37. Here's the thread, her brief bio and a pic.


    Es, I agree. I want to be cremated and a wake would be the right ticket for moi.


  • simplesally

    I know what you mean Mrs. Whip. I would much rather see people when I am alive then have them see a dead body. When my Grandmother was ill, we all made several trips to see her and care for her and let her know she was loved.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Ms. Whip,

    that is indeed sad and nauseating all at the same time. but the idea of having your own little funeral before you die, is a good one, i think! that would be one interesting evening!

    i personally don't want any funeral or service, but i fear that as long as anyone loves me, there will at least be a wake. i picture my old witness friends coming, since the wages sin pays is death, and it is shown that apostates go to hades and not Gehenna. but i know that won't happen, and i guess, good riddance. in the end, if anyone had anything, i would want people to listen to tom waits and laugh and get drunk.

    i hope that when my time comes, i am able to walk into the vast Canadian wilderness somewhere and just die alone. the animals can take care of me when i have shut off. we'll see.

    live long and prosper,


  • Frog

    the body is just a vessel I guess. I find it really amazing how in civilised times the whole idea of death has become far removed from our everyday lives, pushed behind the scenes of social life as though it was something unnatural and taboo. In a particular tribal village in Indonesia when a person dies they are kept in a smoking shack, after I think 5 days the family members i.e., children of a grandfather deceased, come to talk and play with their reliatve to say their goodbyes.

    i hope that when my time comes, i am able to walk into the vast Canadian wilderness somewhere and just die alone. the animals can take care of me when i have shut off. we'll see.

    ...while I'm sure this is a long way off for your tps, I hope you get your wish, it sounds very romantic...no truly it does. Frog x

  • prophecor
    i hope that when my time comes, i am able to walk into the vast Canadian wilderness somewhere and just die alone. the animals can take care of me when i have shut off.

    Hoka Hei

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