Please welcome the newest addition to our family....

by Eyebrow2 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2

    My 14 year old son never lets me and my husband forget that although he has 4 younger sisters, we have failed in our duties to provide a younger brother.

    When he comes back from vacationing up north, he will be pleased to see he now has a younger brother.

    Please welcome Ubu!

    He is our little 3 month old ferret...just got him tonight. He is a cute little guy...tried to crawl down my shirt into my bra while I was driving him home though. I was going to name him Rikki-tikki-tavi...but I had to keep saying "Sit, Ubu, sit!" several times (from the old tv shows, remember?) so the name has stuck.

    Anyone else have a ferret? My sister has two, and my brother in law 5. We spend some fun hours playing with them on vacation...if this one takes to us, we may get another in a few months.

  • kwintestal

    Ferrets are cool. Have fun with it!


  • Momofmany

    Welcome Ubu!

  • Elsewhere

    Make sure you buy plenty of Band-Aids and Neosporin. You're gonna need it!

  • greendawn

    What I like about them is that they are so playful and intelligent, very charming. They like to move things around the house, socks etc

  • rebel8

    I think I feel something nibbling at my ankle. What is that? Oh!! Down ferret, down! Bad ferret, bad!

  • melmoth

    Hmm, your son wanted a younger brother, and you presented him with a ferret? OK.
    Just be careful later on about asking for grandchildren.

  • Eyebrow2

    Melmouth.,,ah good point hahah.

    But I have tried twice to give him a brother...just ain't gonna happen with the current husband, and I don't plan on trading him in hahah.


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