Crazy stories of JW's sacrifices

by IronGland 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland
    That's the one I was going to mention! Just their little way of making you feel guilty for not going to the meetings.

    Did you ever think "why don't they use some of our contributions to build a a bridge across that river or at least buy them a boat?"

  • lilybird
    Did you ever think "why don't they use some of our contributions to build a a bridge across that river or at least buy them a boat?"

    That is the thinking of a logical person.... Iron Gland... Dubs would prefer that you have limb or life stripped from you... Makes for better experiences to use in their talks to inspire the mindless masses at the District Assemblies...

  • jgnat

    Here's a martyr's story that likely WON'T make the convention circuit

    Ram attacks Trespassing Jehovah's Witness

  • Crumpet

    Isn't the craziest story the one where because we didn;t agree with our families beliefs that we left and they wrote us down as dead in their minds and never spoke to us again.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    or the one about the lone sister going to a psychopaths door that was about to kill, but he decided not to because he "saw two big men standing next to her" (angels from brooklyn of course). and when he did kill, the police asked him why he did not kill the sister, and he gave a witness, praise jah.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.

    Imagine, you're sitting enjoying a four-pack of Stella (or a gallon of Home-Brew) and watching ''Dawn of the Dead'' and then you get a knock at the door.......

  • daystar

    I remember that one, tetrapod.sapien. There were also the stories where a Witness was about to be attacked in some way and just kept repeating Jehovah over and over and the would-be attacker got freaked out and left.

    My younger sister will admit that she still says "JehovahJehovahJehovahJehovahJehovahJehovah" over and over if she ever gets scared.

  • undercover
    There were also the stories where a Witness was about to be attacked in some way and just kept repeating Jehovah over and over and the would-be attacker got freaked out and left.

    "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side..."

  • nilfun

    Ever hear the one about the dog named "Jehovah"? The householder tried to get it to attack a JW, but instead it turned upon its master...

    Oh, and here's one about a crazy JW sacrifice...a poor faithful sister having the "courage" to stay with her abusive husband, so that he might be won without a word. Of course, after years of breaking her face, he eventually "comes into the truth".

  • Nosferatu

    If you actually say this, it sounds like your conjuring up DEMONS!!!

    ...or making the sound of a car with a bad spark plug.

    Anyway, here's a TRUE story. There was this one lady that I knew. She was really upbeat and cool. She also wasn't all that bad looking. I met her when she just started studying with the JWs.

    She was single, and had a kickass job with the city, reading water meters. You get paid good money for that shit!

    Anyway, as she progressed in the troof, she eventually gave up her job with the city and got a house cleaning job so she could pioneer. She moved out of her house into a shitty apartment across the street from the KH. She eventually married a guy, became his boss, and she became a boring asshole.

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