How do you try to combat world violence as individuals?

by Crumpet 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I've just seen the pictures on the news from the children and babies who have just been killed. From what I hear soldiers were giving out sweets and gifts to the children when I suicide bomber drove into them and blasted them all to pieces in Baghdad.

    Makes me feel so helpless, but not hopeless.

    There is a 2 minute silence tomorrow for the londoners and tourists so needlessly blown up on Thursday. Its at 12 noon. I'll be thinking of the parents of these children victims of other insurgents. Hope some other people across the world will join us not just in silence but in thinking of ways we can combat these despicable acts of violence.

  • greendawn

    Unfortunately these suicide bombings are happening in Bagdad every few days and they obviously don't care about innocent children since so many got killed in this latest one. It's hard to stop fanatics who are determined to get killed upon harming their enemy, like modern day kamikazis.

  • Crumpet

    So true greendawn.

    Anyone who wishes to post their thoughts for tomorrow who won't be up for the 2 minute silence tomorrow at 12 BST relating primarily to the London Bombings please do. Also anyone who would like to read an online diary of a girl involved in the Londond terrorist attacks I read some very poignant stuff at the bbc news site which you can google for. A girl called Rachel had a very lucky escape, although she was injured.

    But I would like all those others around the world who dont hapen to be white to be remembered too.

    Thank you

    crumpet x

  • kls

    Yes Crumpet ,how pathetic to get back at others to hurt children for no reason except for a payback and those are the true evil in the world.

    If 2 minutes of silence is what i can do for those in London and others , i am all for it.

  • doogie
    But I would like all those others around the world who dont hapen to be white to be remembered too.

    i'm glad you said this, crumpet. this is something that i am personally struggling with in the aftermath of the london bombings. this is meant in no way to degrade anyone who has suffered w/ regard to the bombings last week, but i'd hate to think that we who are Western society are able to express sympathy more readily to people that look and sound more like us.

  • chrissy
    Also anyone who would like to read an online diary of a girl involved in the Londond terrorist attacks I read some very poignant stuff at the bbc news site

    Thanks, I'll check it out. I'd be interested in reading a first hand account from someone who was there.

  • Crumpet

    Thank you kls, sweet monkey.

    There is more we can do though. A tiny start would be if our communities were less segregated. If we just stopped in a wider way what we have stopped doing already, which is the shunning socially of the wider community that were not JWs and started on albeit a smaller scale and start to get to know our neighbours, not just those on our streets, but everyone we meet.

    I've started with a smile and I'm not normally up for talking to strangers let alone smiling at them but I'm trying very hard now. If we all just make an effort to know the quiet as well as those who freely extend their friend ship might we not be making a tiny start.

    crumpet x

  • tetrapod.sapien
    this is meant in no way to degrade anyone who has suffered w/ regard to the bombings last week, but i'd hate to think that we who are Western society ;are able to express sympathy more readily to people that look and sound more like us.

    i struggle with this too. i can't help but think that, yes, our flags should be flying at half mast for the victims in London (they are here in Canada). but by that same logic, they should be flying permanently at half mast for the Iraqi civilians, and the Africans, and the Chechen's, and the Tibetans, and the Afghans, ...

    thx, crumpet.
  • Elsewhere

    Children killed in Baghdad car blast by
    Wednesday 13 July 2005 9:19 AM GMT

    A child is put in a coffin after the blast in Baghdad

    Up to 27 people, including seven children, have been killed and at least 18 wounded by a car bomb in Baghdad.

    The attack on Wednesday occurred near a patrol of US forces, police sources said.

    US troops said one US soldier and many Iraqi civilians were killed by the blast, including at least seven Iraqi children. Three US soldiers were among the wounded.

    "The vehicle, laden with explosives, drove up to a Humvee before detonating. Many Iraqi civilians, mostly children, were around the Humvee at the time of the blast," US
    military spokesman Sergeant David Abrams said.

    Iraqi journalist Walid Khalid said a bomber wanted to detonate an explosive-laden car targeting US forces. However, the bomb detonated before it reached the

    Witness statements

    One witness, Muhammad Ali Hamza, 25, said forces turned up in al-Jedidah district to warn residents to stay indoors because of reports of a car bomb in the area.

    "Children gathered round the Americans who were handing out sweets. Suddenly a suicide car bomber drove round from a side street and blew himself up," he added.

    "I was at home. I heard the explosion. I rushed outside to find my son. I only found his bicycle," said Abu Hamed, whose 12-year-old son Muhammad was killed in the attack.

    Iraqi men look at the debris after
    the car bomb attack

    He was speaking at Kindi hospital where hundreds of distraught parents in blood-soaked hallways were shouting and screaming. He said he had found his son in the hospital mortuary.

    "I recognised him from his head. The rest of the body was completely burnt," he said.

    Hassan Muhammad, whose 13-year-old son Alaa also died, said: "Why do they attack our children? They just destroyed one US H umvee, but they killed dozens of our children.

    "What sort of a resistance is this? It's a crime."

    The last major attack involving children was a triple car bomb on 30 September against US troops inaugurating a water treatment plant in western which killed 43 people, including 37 children who had gathered to take sweets from US soldiers.

    Homes damaged

    A cameraman at the scene shortly after the bombing said the vehicle blew up in between houses, reducing parts of three houses to rubble.

    Women in the street screamed in anger and sorrow near pools of blood in the street.

    At the nearby Ibn Nafees hospital, several wounded were being treated, including at least one baby.

    Interior Ministry sources said most of the dead and wounded were taken to another hospital.

    Aljazeera reported Iraqi police sources as saying US forces have taken control of the highway in al-Rustumiya.

    Aljazeera + Agencies

  • Crumpet

    I have attempted to alter my topic's title to reflect what i felt and to generate more interest and provoke more though. I have ran out of posts for today, but if anyone has a post to spare i wold be very grateful if they could post anew using my new title or similar-"how can we as individuals help to combat world violence - 2 minute silence or active participation?" I know thats rubbish as a title, but anyone who has their own title on this, or take I would appreciate it, as would many.

    Thank you

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