OMG... they're ALL Witnesses...

by upside/down 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    As we're waiting we notice everyone seems overdressed... You didn't suspect anything abnormal about this? The first clue is the 50's dress code. We watched intently that NO ONE was "happy"...they looked dog tired and ready for about 4 margarita's each... which when we got in and seated was EXACTLY what they were all doing...drinking HEAVILY. Would you be happy after listening to 8 hours of, "Do More, More, More" and "Stay close to Joe Hoba's organisation"? My kids even remarked how much better off we are OUT of that "org." Thank God you got them out before they were too damaged by the demon cult. What I wouldn't have given to have had a t-shirt that said: 607BCE? and The UN? THAT would have been priceless... Or perhaps: Pedophiles need love too...ask any JW... ROFLMFAO at this!!! u/d (of the loves being OUT sooo much class) Thanks so much for sharing your convention experience with us.

  • joannadandy
    I was SOO HAPPY to be able to stand tall with my family and watch all the PW's little Dub "heads" with their bitchy wives pushing them around...even saw the token JW kidd gettin the crap beat out of him...

    How funny would it be if you wrote a letter for them to read at the convention. All positive and happy go-lucky about how great the witness they were giving was - but really just slamming them.

    Dear Local Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses -

    I was so please to be able to share my latest resturant experience with some of your congregation. It truly was an experience! It's a refreshing change of pace to see such subservient wives. I think far too many women in our society feel like they are "equal" to men. I'm glad you've got the right attitude among your followers.

    I also find it heartwarming that you do not take a rigid stance against alcohol since I saw many of your members become intoxicated. You guys sure know how to party! (Not like those lame Baptists!) I think it's nice that you can all cut loose like that and have some fun.

    Also, I noted how you really followed the the scripture "Spare the rod and spoil the child". (It's always been my personal favorite) In fact I saw one father really get into the spirt of corporal punishment. It makes my heart glad to know there are still some decent families that realize a good beating can really quell the spirit of an otherwise well-adjusted child.

    I really feel like I could get behind your church. I would welcome Jehovah's Witnesses into my home anytime! Keep up the good fight!


    Scotty McSorley

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LOL u/d, that's awesome man.

  • upside/down
    Did you not overhear them saying anything interesting about the GB, any new light, the hope of a soon to be paradise, and above all anything on the apostates?

    Since we were in close quarters... I listened INTENTLY to see if I could hear any "interesting" remarks...

    Nada...Zilch...NONE... All I heard was the usual shallow chatter/banter of them talking about their vacations and their businesses...They all seem very proud of their "business acumen (gag)"

    Bunch of big fish in a small pond... well at least they were drinking like fish.

    What I though was interesting...with all the JW groups...none of them interacted with each other...didn't even acknowledge each other...they just focused on their own clan... I've seen more love at a Sturgis Harley Rally!

    It was the Stepford Families....scary.

    u/d (of the wasn't at all impressed class)

  • undercover

    Isn't it great to stumble onto a situation where all the cult followers are dressed up in hot suits, wearing name tags in a casual restaurant and you're dressed in comfortable clothes with no deadline to get back to the convention site? It happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I watched the other restaurant patrons more than the JWs. I wanted to see if they were staring at them as much as I imagined they were staring at me when I was still in. Pretty much so.

    I like to drive by the convention site as they let out and watch the throngs of lemmings rushing out of the parking lot. It is quite liberating to stand on the outside and look at them and feel the relief that you didn't have to sit in there for several hours a day over several days wasting a nice summer weekend.

  • upside/down

    There was a small "blip" in the paper about the JW Convention...

    I never heard ONE comment from ANYONE about the Dubs being in town...

    THEY ARE A NON-ISSUE...and they and their "message" is DEAD.

    When will they realize it?

    u/d (of the legends in their own minds class)

  • riotgirlpeeps
    THEY ARE A NON-ISSUE...and they and their "message" is DEAD.

    When will they realize it?

    Do you want a real answer to that or is it for emphasis that they won't?

    I remember one year there was a man waiting on horseback in sackcloth outside the site. Should have heard the banter.

    Btw there will be one in Rochestor Mini-Soda this weekend. I'm there. Last one for me. Hoorah. I'm still debating on wearing something moderately cleavage revealing with a "just above the knee" skirt" and fishnets. LOL.

  • undercover
    I'm still debating on wearing something moderately cleavage revealing with a "just above the knee" skirt" and fishnets. LOL.

    Well, hell...cult religion or not...that's worth showing up to see

  • joannadandy

    You mean outfits like these Riot?

    Grr not working - hopefully this does...

  • upside/down

    not quite...

    but close...

    u/d (of the will be ready next time class)

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