DRAMA SUMMARY: 2005 District Convention - Pursue Goals That Honor God

by ithinkisee 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jankyn

    Okay, the dramas were always cheesy, but I don't remember them ever completely making up a Bible story before! How many JWs think this is really in the Bible, since the only things they ever read are the proof texts (or portions thereof) cited in the publications?

    Geez, I've been torqued about the way they play Scriptural hopscotch to defend their doctrine for years; fabricating stuff entirely is just way too much!


  • diamondblue1974
    I wouldn't be surprised if one day going to university was a disfellowshipping offense.

    Nor me...they hinted at it indirectly in the summary we have just read....they imply that Timothy fairs well from his lack of education whilst philitus (sp) is disfellowshipped but dont say why!? Its subtle enough so that it can affect people but not so much that they will ever be caught out on it.

    They will then be able to turn round at some future point and suggest that they never demanded that people didnt get an education. DB74

  • Pwned

    maybe i'm naive but i doubt they would ever make it a d/f offense but it will undoubtedly put you in the spiritually weak class, ie no "privileges"

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ... You mean you don't get to hold the microphone? Gee, what a price to pay!

  • rocky220

    Kingdom vs Education........hmmmm.

    According to what WTBS has been saying all these decades is that and apocalyptic event is sure to come!

    So, there will be a vast destruction of infrastructure globally...that's the "theory" or prophecy. Fine, isn't reasonable then construction engineers, electricians, plumbers needed and all the machinery if found to run..... not to mention health professionals to deal with the wounded survivors, maybe it's just me but these people dont learn these skills just selling watchtowers and awakes. And furthermore, doesn't this hogwash sound familiar to the prior 1975 fiasco????? Dubbies need to wake up for real!!!!!!!! or maybe WTBS is as disconnected as the Neocons......me thinks. Me, I'll be keeping my Reader's Digest "How To Fix It" books handy...........you never know [lol]. rocky220

  • GetBusyLiving

    :Says that 6 years later Philetus was disfellowshipped (WTF?) and gone."

    "What the f*ck" indeed! I guess the "faithful slave class" thinks that adding to the Bible is part of their commision of providing "food at the proper time". Makes me want to spew all over my keyboard.


  • Pwned

    do they put a disclaimer like "based on biblical events, some names have been changed, blah blah" like movies do?

  • undercover

    The WTS begrudgingly realized a few years ago that a plain old high school diploma wasn't enough anymore for the average person to get an above minimum wage job. They then admitted that it would be okay, prudent even, if young JWs got enough schooling to find a decent paying job, provided of course, that it would help as they chose pioneering as their main career with a good part-time job to pay the bills.

    Unfortunately for the WTS, but a blessing in disguise for many young JWs, these youngsters didn't just apply to the local tech school, they started going for the universities. Many JWs who were raised to be ideal students throughout school were offered scholarhsips and they started taking them. Once these kids got in the university system, many of them quickly realized that the world they lived in previously was all a sham. Their eyes were opened. They were exosed to higher learning and independant thinking. Many of these kids left the "truth" because of the real things they learned.

    Now the WTS has realized that it was a mistake to allow even the thought of higher learning to be entertained by JWs and are working to reverse the trend of all these kids leaving for school only to leave the religion. That's why you had the Lifetime Channel movie-of-the-week version of a drama to scare and intimidate JWs into believing that the college world is an evil place.

  • diamondblue1974
    The WTS begrudgingly realized a few years ago that a plain old high school diploma wasn't enough anymore for the average person to get an above minimum wage job. They then admitted that it would be okay, prudent even, if young JWs got enough schooling to find a decent paying job, provided of course, that it would help as they chose pioneering as their main career with a good part-time job to pay the bills.

    Unfortunately for the WTS, but a blessing in disguise for many young JWs, these youngsters didn't just apply to the local tech school, they started going for the universities. Many JWs who were raised to be ideal students throughout school were offered scholarhsips and they started taking them. Once these kids got in the university system, many of them quickly realized that the world they lived in previously was all a sham. Their eyes were opened. They were exosed to higher learning and independant thinking. Many of these kids left the "truth" because of the real things they learned.

    Now the WTS has realized that it was a mistake to allow even the thought of higher learning to be entertained by JWs and are working to reverse the trend of all these kids leaving for school only to leave the religion. That's why you had the Lifetime Channel movie-of-the-week version of a drama to scare and intimidate JWs into believing that the college world is an evil place.

    Undercover your post above is an excellent synopsis of how the WTS has changed their tack on education; very insightful and totally pertinent.


  • undercover
    your post above is an excellent synopsis of how the WTS has changed their tack on education; very insightful and totally pertinent.

    Aw, gee whiz...thanks...

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