All things considered, when will THE JW religion end?

by sowhatnow 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "...Half a century from now, JWs will be one of those 'oh, are they still around? I thought that was a 20th century thing' religions.."

    Pretty much the same conclusion I came to, although I expect the WTS to become even more obscure and fringy (or more and more weird and extremist).

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The JW delusion will exist as long as there are emotionally needy and intellectually limited people who will happily hand over their conscience and money to religious leaders.

  • Magnum

    I don't know; I'm divided on this one. I see what many are saying about them being around for a long time because there are so many suckers, but on the other hand, things are changing so rapidly and they are being exposed at such a rate and their business model is changing so rapidly, that I think they could crash. It is just so vastly different from what it was not too long ago, the preaching work is stale, etc.

    The JWdom that I knew has really already failed and is gone. The JWdom of today is a different religion.

  • Crazyguy
    They will have to do something fast, I'm near 45 and most of my peers left when still young, some came back others left later in life. My younger sister about 30 years of age left and a lot of her peers did to. When most of the young leave and they have little success getting newbies the religion dies. The changes in Europe with them selling 295 halls and the consolidation of congregations in other lands tells me that the number of 8 million members is a lie. Let's hope these child abuse cases will cause them to implode.
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    @R Jerome Harris

    I say leave JWs alone. I say leave any person of any religious system or organization alone. Who are we to meddle as if what we personally believe is right and everyone else is wrong? Who are we to meddle because we personally do not like someone else's religion or beliefs? They might not like ours either.

    Humble yourselves and let God take care it. Let God take care of ending that which is false.

    Let me meddle in your belief system.

    Harmful, manipulative and deceiving religions should not be allowed to continue unchecked. Regarding God, he hasn't done s_it to alleviate humans suffering since "creation", not even his son Jesus fixed human affairs. Why should we expect God to start fixing anything, any time in the future. By the way, I like a God that leaves humanity alone. Thank you God for not sending Jesus for the last 2,000 years. Humans, or humanists, have done a much better job at providing fair laws, human rights, freedom, opportunity, than Jesus ever did.

  • apostrate

    The JW religion will end when they can no longer turn a profit. As long as people keep donating money, they will exist in one form or another.

    I don't remember exactly what WT article it was, but it was back in the earl 50's I believe when they changed their stance on refusing vaccinations. As I recall their words were, We can no longer AFFORD to enforce our position on vaccinations. That is not a verbatim quote, but they did say "no longer afford".

    They will continue morphing to accommodate inconvenient laws and the flow of $$'s.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS will not fade away as long as the WTS has money and men who have assumed a semblance of power and control.

    Add to the fact that there is 8 billion people living on earth who are mostly poorly educated , thats a large pool to lure in and exploit. The WTS also self promotes itself strategically to the public by their designated representatives and its posturing web site, assemblies and so on .

    What lured in most of its inherent followers was fear and ignorance propagated mostly by the organization's own publications and spread about by devoted followers.

    The end of the world is coming soon was a core marketing strategy for this religious institution and one can see that it worked.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    @ never a jw:

    "Who are we to meddle because we personally do not like someone else's religion or beliefs? They might not like ours either."

    If you had grown up in the religion you would know why. And many of us do not believe in a god. Furthermore you seem to contradict yourself.

    "Humble yourselves and let God take care it. Let God take care of ending that which is false."

    Compare to:

    "By the way, I like a God that leaves humanity alone."

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Village idiot, I am with you

    I was quoting R Jerome Harris, with whom I was disagreeing vehemently. The highlight in the top paragraph is my way of indicating a quote. I couldn't make the "quote" function work


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    @ never a jw, Sorry for the confusion.

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