the most wonderful human being..

by katiekitten 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • iggy_the_fish

    lol Crumpet - I used to get things like "obviously has some kind of brain in there somewhere but doesn't make enough effort, too much daydreaming & looking out of windows", that sort of thing. But I showed 'em! 32 years old and still a student, gazing into windows (xp) instead of doing my work. Oh, hang on a minute, nothing's changed. Bugger.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Congrats, Mamma Cat.

    I love my little bunchkins and too am guilty of braggery most egregious on their behalf...

    (slaughtered english words highlighted for E-mans benefit…lol)


  • katiekitten

    JB - now I wish id called this thread Braggery!!

    Of course, I must temper this bragadization with some reality - I mustnt forget as my mum keeps reminding me "of course shes OK now, but you dont know what long term damage you have done to her by getting divorced. It will all be stored up and may come out later".


  • katiekitten

    Actually Ritchie - she can clean the house and cook a meal. She knows how to make pancakes from scratch - no help. She knows how to clean, she just chooses not to because shes way too intelligent for that.

    She cant kill a deer but she did once squeeze the childminders hamster so tight its eyes nearly popped out - so theres hope for her yet!

  • iggy_the_fish
    I mustnt forget as my mum keeps reminding me "of course shes OK now, but you dont know what long term damage you have done to her by getting divorced.

    I'm sorry you have to put up with shyte like that being dumped on your head, KK. Of course, forcing your daughter to grow up in a cult does no damage whatsoever now does it


  • RichieRich
    Actually Ritchie - she can clean the house and cook a meal. She knows how to make pancakes from scratch - no help. She knows how to clean, she just chooses not to because shes way too intelligent for that.

    She cant kill a deer but she did once squeeze the childminders hamster so tight its eyes nearly popped out - so theres hope for her yet!

    wow! she is good...

  • talesin

    Congratulations to C!

    Well done, katie.

    "long term damage" --- what-ever!


  • MerryMagdalene

    WOOOOHOOOO ! ! ! Wonderful accomplishmentsDamn the naysayers and full speed ahead

    ~Merry (of the "good mothers have a right to be proud" class)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Awesome KK! you have every reason to brag about your daughter. good for you!

    And with a mom like you, it really shouldn't be a surprise that's she's such a great kid.


  • Netty

    Wow! Congratulations. Sounds like a great kiddo. Hey, my sonny is 7, lets make a little marraige pact for them. But not for another 20 years or so.

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