evolution talk

by googlemagoogle 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ColdRedRain

    And not to mention the ever overused argument "if we evolved from monkies, why are there still monkies?"

    Holy shit...

  • apocalypseno

    I still have a hard time getting my head around the fact that when *I* point out inconsistensies, misquotations, or plain simple mistakes in public talks or the mags, it is *I* that has a problem. *I* must be dealt with. When we have writers and speakers that are academically illiterate, the inmates are indeed running the asylum.

  • Elsewhere
    - the bible was written BEFORE that erm... funny.. erm... evolution story came up, so we got reason to believe what the bible says.

    Hell... in that case I will no longer read any of the Watchtowers since they came along after the bible was written.

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