My wifes struggle

by gringojj 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • gringojj

    AFIN can you back up that same faith marriages have a better success rate? I think Muslims do pretty well with marriage but I could be wrong. I would guess that most people who get married have the same religious beliefs. Anyone have any statistics on this?

  • gringojj
  • gringojj
    Sorry so many of you see that poem as 'scare tactics'. If I had read it some years ago, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

    Pathetic plea for understanding

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    A little common sense goes a long way! The more similarities a couple has .. more successful marriage.

    Sorry mate ... the quote you just posted was me feeling sorry for anyone seeing that poem as a 'scare tactic'. You'll have to try harder.

  • gringojj

    AFIN I didnt ask for your so-called common sense. I asked for hard core statistics. My parents were the same faith, they divorced. My wifes parents were both jws. He cheated on her and they divorced. My sister married someone her faith and they divorced. I know many other people of the same faith who have divorced. So I dont think your logic is correct so i was asking for real proof.

  • gringojj

    AFIN you never answered my wifes question so she asked me to post it again. All she wants to know is how you personally justify these things in your mind. There must be a way you justify it or then you would know it was a big crock. Please answer her question.

    My husband showed me a bunch of quotes from the creation book that the WTS took out of context. We researched them from the original articles and I must say I was really disturbed by what we found. If the WTS tells us only to believe in what they write, to trust them because they are the truth, then how do I justify believing anything they write if they blatantly take quotes out of context to support thier teachings? I am really disturbed by this can you please help me?

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    No, you didn't ask for common sense, but you got it! My logic is this ... the more similarities a couple has, the better chance they have of making a success of their marriage ... relgion is one of them. With all the divorcing going on around you, I hope you and your Mrs. have a better go at it.

    As for any questions you post in the quise of it being from your wife ... I will repeat. Go to any elder in her congregation and ask.

  • gringojj

    But AFIN what is the reason that you cant just explain how you justify these things? You must know what I am talking about since you or on this board. What is your reasoning?

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    And what is your reasoning in not addressing the elders, face to face? Is there some reason you cannot do this simple thing? I've never seen an elder refuse to answer any honest request, in fact they are most happy to. What is your reasoning?

  • jgnat

    Barna did a study of divorce rates for various Christian groups. I would bet that the JW's would be close to the "Born Again" statistics. Common Sense or not, it takes more than preaching fidelity to keep families together.

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