Should dubs be hanging out in casinos?

by unbeliever 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    With their over moralistic views it's a wonder that they enter in the casinos at all, any more than they would enter into a christian church.

  • delilah

    Here in my neck of the woods, it would not be allowed, and the person would be spoken to, pronto. However, I have heard different stories of certain elders and MS, going to casinos, so I suppose it may well be a case of, "Do as I say, not as I do?"......of course, they do not attend the local casinos, for fear of being seen, but they will fly out to Vegas?????!!!!!! Sounds like they may have better chances of being caught there, hahahaha. They and their double standards.


  • riotgirlpeeps

    As someone still tiptoeing around the whole organ locally I've known many many many who go to the casinos to eat (they still do). I've gone and gambled myself and sometimes eaten. Around here there really doesn't seem to be much stigma with it, though I'm sure there'd be a meeting if you put in a nickel.

  • tnangel73

    A sister I grew up with was DF'd because she had bought lottery tickets and cigerettes for her "worldly" boss when she went to a neighboring state. He had gave her the money to buy them with. Tennessee has high taxes on cig's, that's why he wanted some when she had went up there. At that time, Tennessee didn't have a lottery. This was only about 5 or 6 years ago.

  • loosie

    unbeliever: When your mother said get back over here (as if you were a child) you should have replied with "Oh I am sorry mom I wasn't playing the way you taught me to play, the slots. I forgot.

    My mother used to treat like a child when I was an adult. I hated it. I have dreams of telling her to Bite me and leave me the hell alone.

    BTW I've seen my die hard JW mother play the slots before. I guess it doesn't matter if only your 9 year old daughter is watching you.

  • grissom

    Why not? They have good cheap buffets.

  • grissom

    It's not the gambling that is wrong. It is the losing that is wrong.

  • diamondblue1974
    It is the losing that is wrong.

    What about the winning? is it wrong to bet and lose but right to bet and win?


  • Now What?
    Now What?
    It's not the gambling that is wrong. It is the losing that is wrong.

    Are for real here? I can't tell if you are serious or trying to pull a funny.

  • undercover

    Gambling is a DFing offense. Working for a casino, even as a janitor is a DFing offence. Buying lottery tickets and raffle tickets is gambling. Gambling is a DFing offense. So buying lottery tickets and accepting the winnings is a DFing offense. I heard one brother say from the platform that it would be wrong to accept the money from a winning lottery ticket even if the ticket was a gift.

    I remember that because that was one of those moments where something just didn't click about that statement. It was all the small, insignificant non-sequitars that led me to question more and more over time.

    Can anyone show, from the Bible, where gambling is a sin?

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