grissom-Introduce yourself!

by Sparkplug 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug


    I know that you are new here, but have left yourself open to some comments. I have been curious as to why you post. Do you have doubts? Or do you think that maybe you will change anyone’s mind? How do you remain a person in good standing when so many have suffered ostracism for way less than you’re posting on this board? Does this bother your conscience? I am not sure about your other ID, but I am curious about people in your situation.

    I really am not trashing you, I am curious though. I have always had this huge sense of right and wrong and it seems a bit unorthodox to post here and still believe and defend the JW's or be an active member. Do you not see what all people have gone through? Or maybe some of the doctrine flaws. I think that if people loose thier lives over these doctrines than perhaps the item one will loose thier life over should be fact. What do you think?

    Tell us something about yourself. It does not have to give anything about who you are away, just let us know the concept you have in your head when you come here and post. Do you like a good fight? Do you question a bit too much and feel the need to see and just are not comfortable with giving it all up? Are you trolling? What is your deal?

    Dismiss all this if you already posted this under your old baldheaded name....

  • kwintestal

    My theory is that it's really Simon having some fun with everyone.


  • 144001


    With all due respect to Simon, I don't think he's capable of "acting" with the degree of stupidity exhibited by gristle grissom.

  • kwintestal
    I don't think he's capable of "acting" with the degree of stupidity exhibited by gristle grissom.

    You're 100% right. Don't know why the notion ever crossed my mind.


  • Sparkplug

    Well I am going to give him time seeing he may be in field service.....I sit and await an intelligent answer......

    Do you think this will take long?

  • 144001


    If you're waiting for an intelligent answer from gristle grissom, don't hold your breath. It's scheduled to arrive about the same time as Armageddon.

  • Sunspot
    It's scheduled to arrive about the same time as Armageddon

  • Quotes

    Sparkplug asked:

    "Do you like a good fight?"

    Grissom's style is more consistent with a coward afraid to fight; that is why s/he takes a cheap shot, then runs off and hides. Then once everything has settled down, s/he returns to take another cheap shot.

  • Sparkplug

    I have noticed that grissom is still posting after I wrote this. Maye they/he/she is working on a real nice inteligent reply. Did that sound sarcastic?

  • grissom
    I have been curious as to why you post.

    This is called Jehovah's Witnesses discussion forum. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Thus this is the place to discuss things.

    You ask if I have doubts.

    On the contrary. Why would posting here give me doubts? It makes me stronger.

    Does Lance Armstrong get to be a stronger rider sitting and listening to Sheryl Crow music,

    or being on his bike?

    We need to exercise to get stronger. To get stronger in the faith, I exercise my faith.

    That is like the reason to go out in field service. You mention about changing people's minds.

    No, that is not the reason for the ministry. The reason is to make our faith stronger by

    exercising it, by using it. When I research the objections, I then find out that I and we are right.

    That is what it means to make the truth your own. That is why when everyone is talking about the WTS,

    I see where you all have gone wrong, you have not made the truth your own.

    How do you remain a person in good standing when so many have suffered ostracism for way less than you’re posting on this board? ; Does this bother your conscience? ; I am not sure about your other ID, but I am curious about people in your situation. ;

    I am not sure what you mean. What situation am I in? What about my other ID? People were focusing on the name and making fun of it, plus it was registered under the wrong email address so I couldn't get back the password to use it.

    Do you not see what all people have gone through? ; Or maybe some of the doctrine flaws

    As I said, I have studied these "doctrinal flaws" and I have that I have the truth. There is no trinity, no hellfire, etc.

    About what people have gone through. As Trump said:"Everyone has problems, want a napkin." I got problems too.

    Why let your problems define you? I am not letting them define me and not letting them lead me from the truth.

    I think that if people loose thier lives over these doctrines than perhaps the item one will loose thier life over should be fact. ; What do you think?&

    People (like the ones on here) will not lose life because of any doctrines. Losing life will be from their attitudes. From which I see that many are bad.

    Do you like a good fight? ; Do you question a bit too much and feel the need to see and just are not comfortable with giving it all up? ; Are you trolling? ; What is your deal?

    Dismiss all this if you already posted this under your old baldheaded name.... ; ;

    Sure, I like a good fight. They are my best calls in service.

    There are things that I don't agree with but none of it matters. Don't know what trolling is.

    My deal you ask?

    There are those who get stumbled because they see that Jehovah's Witnesses have done bad things. So I studied the Bible and I found that there have been many examples of Jehovah's servants who have done bad things from Adam through the Christians. But none of that changed who God was/is and his expectations.

    I have studied doctrine and dates and see that those questioning matters are doing it from the wrong angle or perspective, so I look to the right perspective.

    Should I dismiss all that if you validate my namechange?

    It is interesting that the posting guidelines below say to avoid.

    1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language
    2. Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
    3. Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments.

    But yet the majority here do those things. That tells me alot about the attitudes of those who have the contra agenda.

    1. They can't read directions in the forum they like. 2. They can't follow directions of the forum that they like.

    3. Their hatred and abusive attitude overrides everything else. So when people talk about what people have gone

    through, they make it not matter.

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