They wanna keep their lil flocks all clean but don't weed out the child molesters...gag!
About to get df'd(?) need suggestions.
by Insomniac 40 Replies latest jw friends
Rod P
Symbolically speaking, maybe you can look at your "Official Exodus" as your own Rite of Passage. Welcome to 'Postate Land' = Freedom = Happiness. Go find a nice hill and climb to the top. Tip a glass to the wind, and say out loud, referring to the WTBTS/GB "I divorce thee! I divorce thee! I divorce thee!" Then when the elders send you your registered letter about appearing before them at your DF hearing, you can write them back and say "You can't fire me! I already quit!" Make sure you register your letter, so they can see what it feels like to be put on such notice. (They don't trust ordinary mail to get their letter to you, so they must register it for evidence. You are giving them the same message if you register yours to them.)
Live life on your own terms. As for spirituality, that's between you and your God. No Organization, religious or otherwise, should tell you how to run your life, and what thou shalt believe, IMHO.
All the best in your life and your business. Have a really good party with your friends and customers. And like that old movie "Love Story" where Allie McGraw, playing her character who was dieing of cancer said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry!"
Rod P.
Wasanelder Once
If you haven't been associated with the congregation for some time and are not known publicly as one of Jehovah's Witnesses the elders are advised to leave you alone. Only if you are claiming to be a witness and "bringing reproach on Jehovah's name" are they encouraged to try to contact you. Many elders go on a crusade to hunt down people in your position. You probably wont hear from them again. If you do, then I agree, be amazed at how little impact it will have on your business and life considering its already the past for you.
Send them a .666% off coupon for a carton of ciggarettes.
You gotta love the "hunt down" policy, the CIA, FBI,MI5 have nothing on the WT when itcomes to intel gathering and undercover surveilance.
Unless they have made contact with you officially and asked whether you still consider yourself a Witness, the truth is that they probably wont be bothered to take any action. The elder and his wife dont appear to have spoken to you about things.
BTW Your place sounds great,
I found this section on the net from
"Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock" - Unit 5a... (Of course policy can change at any time)
"Baptized persons who have not associated for some time.If you learn of serious wrongdoing on the part of such a
person, the matter should be investigated if it poses a threat to the congregation's cleanness and welfare or caus-
es a public scandal.Consider the following:Does he still profess to be a Witness?Is he generally recognized as such in the congrega-
tion and/or t e community?Does the person have a measure of contact or association with the congregation so that a leaven-
ing, or corrupting, influence exists?How did the matter become known to the elders?
UNIT 5 (a)
Is the person willing to meet with a committee,thus admitting accountability to the Christian con-
gregation?Depending upon length of inactivity and other factors suggested above, elders may determine to hold the
matter in abeyance.In such a case, a record of the person's questionable conduct should be made for the congregation file so
that everything noted might be clarified when the person shows interest in becoming active again.If the sinful conduct is known only to believing family members and no congregation action is taken because
of the factors outlined above, believing relatives willlikely determine to curtail family association severely,
viewing the relative as bad association. ( I Cor. 15:33)If the individual still professes to be a Witness and is willing to meet with the judicial committee, the matter
should be handled in the normal way. However, when factors such as possible legal action exist, it is best to
consult the Society before proceeding. (w87 9/1 p. 14)" -
Bluegrass Tom
My suggestion is that if they call you to meet with them tell them you will not meet with them but will be happy to answer all their questions but will do so only in writting through your lawyer. Then give them the name and address of your Lawyer. This will bring things to and end. They will leave sleeping dogs lay since you have been gone for so long. They are told to avoid lawsuits, and will do so.
When it happens- You have an opportunity to let the public know about this cult! Have a very public party in your store. Or make it by special invitation in the evening, then you could serve wine or beer as it is a private party. You have a chance to warn your customers about this org. Maybe you could carry or leave out for the cof. drinkers a few copies of C of C or some other jw books. carla
I don't get it. From what I have read, they no longer DF anyone. They have their name read from the platform stating that they are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses. Of course, most witnesses will interpret that to mean that they are DF'd and can no longer have any association with them. But how about the minority who are not really that fanatical? Wouldn't there be a few witnesses who would understand the announcement to mean that they might no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses, but it would be OK to talk to them because there is no rule against talking to people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses? Does this make sense?
I dont get it either. If you no longer have any social contact with the old congregation anyway, I dont think you would be perceived as a spiritual threat, unless there were some new fanatics in the hall determined to go on a witch-hunt. I would just completely and utterly ignore them....dont return the calls, dont attend any JCs, dont answer the door. In short, dont give them the satisfaction of the power trip.