Death of innocent people

by Norm 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Again we have been witnessing a hideous, horrible act of terrorism where cowards and maniacs have blown up innocent people. It is thoroughly distressing and revolting.

    Being a bit cynical about it this it is in all probability a payback to Britain for Blair’s staunch support to George Bush. Indeed all of those who let themselves be sucked into the company of the US and joined the Iraq disaster are probably up for a few nasty experiences. The world was turned into a far more dangerous place the day the idiot attack on Iraq started.

    It is also quite depressing to watch Blair and Bush with stone faces talk about evil people killing innocent people. The sad fact is that Bush, Blair and Putin has caused the death of far more innocent people then any terrorist group can ever hope to kill. Of course this is hardly ever mentioned anywhere. Until those leaders and those powers realize that it isn’t their right to go around the world bombing and killing whomever they don’t like, nothing will ever change. I think it’s a miracle that most European capitals and the US haven’t been hit much harder by terrorism for many years already considering how badly they have “fucked” with the people in Asia, the Middle East and in Africa for at least the last hundred years.


  • upside/down

    So the end justifies the means? And if we'd just let 'em be they wouldn't hurt the innocent? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT!!!

    Does that mean I can go blow up Crooklyn Beth Hell since they "dun me wrong"?

    Holy hell... this is awesome...

    If somebody does anything to me... I'm JUSTIFIED in killing their countrymen in retaliation.

    *****waiting for H_S's assinine replies*****

    u/d (of the hates flawed reasoning class)

    p.s.- wrong is wrong...always.

  • Norm

    Where do I say that the end justify the means? Indeed my position is the opposite, I happen to think that killing innocent people is wrong no matter who does the killing, apparently that seems like a very disturbing thought to you?


  • Simon

    upside/down - you have once again failed to see the point and contradicted yourself.

    If somebody does anything to me... I'm JUSTIFIED in killing their countrymen in retaliation.

    This reasoning means that they were entirely justified in killing us. Just turn it round:

    "If we do anything to them... they're JUSTIFIED in killing my countrymen in retaliation. "

    Is that what you are arguing? If so, you are an idiot.

  • upside/down

    Simon- first off...thanks for the name calling.

    you have once again failed to see the point and contradicted yourself.

    I see the point...I don't agree.

    There is no contradiction... it's called sarcasm!

    you are an idiot.

    That's the second time today you've called me an idiot....What gives?

    I have soooo wanted to throw out a few "colorful" phrases of my own...but since many today are having a hard time being civil...due to the tragedy that has befallen England... I have refrained.

    Yet you've accused me of not only being an idiot...but of inciting hatred and apparently walking the fine line of being "kicked"... I don't get it and am puzzled.

    Are my thoughts and opinions that repulsive to you?

    I have NO enemies in my daily life...and the only people who hold me in disdain are "active" JW' why do I seem to be having such a tough go of any "discussion" with you (and H_S)?

    I know I'm not alone... not that that matters...

    What does it take for us to proceed with mutual respect and dignity? Is it possible?

    I'm FAR from the most "abrasive" personality here... so why the rough treatment?

    u/d (of the "apparently I'm an idiot" class)

  • googlemagoogle

    one of the problems i see is that more effort is put into exterminating the results instead of fighting the cause or source.

    you can kill terrorists, and their "countrymen" for whatever reason (if you're thinking like u/d, i'd call this racism), but you can't kill terrorism. not with violence. each and every violent act will just force more violence.

    while there should be put a lot of effort to avoid terrorist attacks, there should be put even more effort in avoiding and removing circumstances that lead to terrorism.

    thanks go to the US for effing with our world.

  • Norm

    Very well put googlemagoogle, so far all that has been done is to make the matter far worse then it originally was. Norm

  • upside/down
    (if you're thinking like u/d, i'd call this racism),

    An idiot AND a racist!

    No wonder the Dubs shun me.

    Come on guys... you don't really think I'm that do you?

    Is your position on matters so hardened that you cannot see what's happening to you?

    I will not assimilate into your bOrg... NEVER AGAIN!

    I'll chalk it up to one REALLY BAD DAY...tomorrow can we all be friends?

    I hope so.

    u/d (of the olive branch class)

  • Norm

    upside/down, I do not know you from Adam/Eve. But posting your "kneejerk" reaction to my original post and giving me attitudes and opinions that I do not have doesn't help much. Read carefully and do some thinking before you reply, that would benefit you greatly. Do you agree that the killing of innocent people is wrong no matter who does the killing? A simple yes or no would suffice. Norm

  • upside/down

    Tht would be a "yup"...

    It was in my post...."wrong is wrong...always".

    u/d (of the knee jerking off class)

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