We are Jehovah's Winess

by Evanescence 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem
    Also do you guys know the excistance of this jw forum? http://www.e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/

    I know this site. He has also a site in dutch. I think he is belgium or so. See: http://www.e-watchman.be/

    Anyway, the forum is more or less for those who are still jw's or df-ed but still believe in the s&^%. IMHO this 'watchman' is more trying to make his own religion small religion with him as GB or so.

    Not exactly sure, but I do not appreciate too much what he is doing. But maybe it will help for some dubs to see the real truth. He exposes the JW scandals.

    Danny by the way: you f***ing scared me. The sound was turned on loud so I could hear if there were some problems in the night with my program. Now just a few inches away from my speaker, blasting the song out. ehhhhhrggg.

  • zagor
    Have you been to the forums there?

    Have read some posts but no not really never been a member. Sounds like s standard JW gossip, i.e. stuff dubs don't have balls to speak about openly but discuss within circle of "trusted" friends they'd invite for a dinner.

  • blondie

    The thing that always bothered me was that WT songs were 3 Jehovah to 1 Jesus/Christ. I used to wonder why we never sang about being Christians which is what we really were supposed to be. According to the Bible only literal Israelites were JWs and by the WTS transfer only to spiritual Israelites, their 144,000 not the 6 million JWs today.

    It is no wonder JWs will answer people who ask "what religion are you," Jehovah's Witnesses not "Christians."


  • greendawn

    I think the guy running the e watchman site is a strange species a jw that accepts that much is wrong in the WTS but still remains the true religion, strange because people either see the WTS as good or erroneous. Also strange how he didn't yet get thrown out by the GB who tolerate no criticism whatsoever from the JWs.

    As for the jehovah obsession it is bizarre how the dubs brought a name out of prehistory as it were, that the jews themselves ceased to use long ago.

    The GB are the ones that bring the most reproach on their god's name anyway. Why accuse the R & F?

  • zagor
    Also strange how he didn't yet get thrown out by the GB who tolerate no criticism whatsoever from the JWs.

    I think I've read on his site that he god booted not long ago

  • Elsewhere

    Oh great! Look what you started!

  • greendawn

    Zagor thanks for updating it's good that he strongly criticises them and sent 100 letters to the WTS branches but it was inevitable that he would get the boot. I think he still believes the dubs are the true religion.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    The thing that always bothered me was that WT songs were 3 Jehovah to 1 Jesus/Christ

    Did you also notice how many times they sing about themselves:

    Myrads of brothers all dressed in radiant white, we're Jehovah's Witnesses, Forward you witnesses, From House to house, etc....

  • kwintestal
    Arrr I hate typos the topic is "we are Jehovah's Witness" not Winess

    I thought at first you meant, "We are Jehovah's Weenies"


  • dorayakii

    I thought u meant "Jehovah's Winers"...

    That's a horrible ego-cnetric song that. I never enjoyed singing it even when i was mentally captive to the WTS alt

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