Barbie For Texans

by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    I object. Where is the Houston Barbie? And I want to see a Permian Basin/Oilfield Barbie.

    If there was a Permian Basin Barbie, she'd have skin so dry that her feet crack open and bleed on her panty hose. She wears western shirts, jeans with long horn steer "embroidreed" on her back pockets. She wears western boots and boot skoots to Brookes and Dunne. She does barrel racing at the rodeo and sometimes risks it all by running barefoot, which is dangerous in West Texas because of the sand burrs. She comes with miniature sand burrs and a bottle of rose water and glycerin(to combat dry skin due to low humidity.)

    Ken is an oilfield roustabout. He played "'ball"(football) for the Andrews Mustangs. He thought he was quite the stud being paraded around in that Silver Eagle bus, bought especially to cart the "ball" team around town and to the games. He and his buddies once beat the hell out of another "ball player"( putting him in the hospital), but got away with it when the district attorney said, "Ken? Doesn't he play "ball?"

  • lawrence

    Thanks! Loved the post. Americana at its worst.

  • PaulJ

    I am British. I understand none of this. But never mind- well done anyway.

  • Sparkplug

    Horrible Life- I love Sam Moons....better yet Rebekkas next to it!

    FHN- you crack me should keep it going. Better yet I think each one should make a Barbie from where they are from.

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN- you crack me should keep it going. Better yet I think each one should make a Barbie from where they are from.

    I used to live in Houston and in Andrews, Texas. East and West Texas. I lived a lot of that. Never did barrel racing though. The "ball" stories were typical of Andrews and their highschool "ball" team. They really did have a silver eagle (the kind trailways used to use) bus and the DA really did let the "ball" players get away with murder.

    Michigan. Hmmmm. The girls here are exactly like Barbie. They tan. They go to bars, drink too much and tell of it the following morning at work like it's something to be proud of. They are mostly very vapid over here on the southwest side of the state. Ken? Well, he's not a head turner. I rarely see a head turning man here. He's also very quiet, polite and wears abercrombie and fitch.

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