Video Highlights from the Drama!

by CaptainSchmideo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Not as good as the Kansas City Drama

  • Soledad
    But, but... the good young brother wants to devote himself to spiritual things because he saw the happiness it brought one of his friends, and he wants that happiness for himself.

    Isn't that... er.... ENVY?

    good call! coveting is a sin! Exodus 20:17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

  • caligirl

    Positively putrid, nauseating display of fiction. Just the couple of minutes I watched brought on a horrible stomach ache... reminds me of what used to happen every time it was time to go to a meeting. Thank GOD I don't have to sit through that drivel anymore!!!

  • roykaye

    What I find amazing is that the experiences across the board is almost identical. Here in India, because of cultural differences one would have thought that things would have been a bit different from the west, but I can assure you I feel exactly like all the others. The class system is very much prevalent here. And what is very true is that the most sincere ones are the ones who are looked down upon. The prominent ones have all the fun. And the dramas -- I haven't seen one for three or four year -- suck here, as much as they suck in the USA.

    What is phoney is Indian actors lip syncing to American accents. And the best part was that all of us used to look forward to the drama, because that was the only thing that didn't bore you to death. Amazing how the ASSemblies arouse the same emotions across the world. One thing you got to give them, these guys are united in thought.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    What I find amazing is the "one size fits all" approach of the material as presented, no matter what the country or the culture.

    Especially in the so called, modern-day "Bible Dramas" (talk about a contradiction in terms!) They show the drama in England, so, since it is English, it doen't matter that the cultural references are all wrong ("lets go hang out at the mall, fer shur"). All nations should have to wear a suit and tie or long dresses and panty hose, no matter how appropriate to the region. And if they do make concessions, I'm sure it's begrudgingly.

    The dramas have become my version of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Watch them, and make comments from the seats (under your breath, of course).

  • tijkmo

    help i cant see it...and i would quite like to

  • 95stormfront

    I'd like to see it...but the link isn't working.

    Could someone post or fix the link.

  • iggy_the_fish

    I also see nothing, and I'm hungry for spiritual food. Linky no worky for me-e


  • 95stormfront

    ...not that i'm hungry for any of that spiritual slop.

    It just might explain to me why, after the wife telling me that she wanted to go back to school a few months ago and making plans to do so, decided that she'd put it off yet again.

  • mapleaf18

    "This is my 2nd summer assembly-free"

    ME 2! isn't it GREAT???

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