Weird Field Service Experiences

by PaulJ 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Right after man landed on the moon in 1969, my dad and I were in service. A woman started talking about how man did not walk on the moon. It was all a farse. My dad listened politely for what seemed a long time. I remember her pointing an old finger at me, and telling me not to believe it. As we walked away, I looked at my dad. He rolled his eyes. When we were in the car, he told me that man had indeed walked on the moon, and some people were crazy not to believe. I do have some decent memories Horrible Life

  • katiekitten

    I had a man on the doors once, in a white trash area (jeez what a snob I am) tell me in a real sinister meaningful voice "theres a man three doors down with asbestos teeth eating cucumbers".

    I didnt know if I was supposed to be scared or not.

    I also had some hideous bitch make reference to 'those darkies' when I was working with a beautiful 9 yr old african sister. I was nearly in tears apologising to this little girl afterwards.

  • PaulJ

    I remember working with a brother once when we came to a door that said 'please knock at the back door'. So we walked around the back and tapped on the completely-glass back door. Moments after we had done this a huge barrel chested rottweiler got up and started to run down the hallway towards us- only the glass pane in the way. I must admit I stepped back a bit as the dog slammed into the glass, it must have been very tough glass as it didnt break, but the brother I was with had staggered back and was now sat on his arse in the flower bed.

    No-one came to the door.

  • woodfloorist

    I think this might fit in here. I was really considering becoming a Jehovah's Witness. I was out publishing as an unbaptised publisher with one of the elders and his wife.

    We went to this one door and a woman comes to the door. She is holding a gallon of ice cream. I think she had just taken it out of the freezer to give the kids some ice cream when we knocked. The elder is looking at the porch floor talking to her. Saying from memory what he had said who knows how many times before. The woman listens and finally agrees to take the book (something about Family)

    We get back to the car and the wife asks how it went and he proudly told her that she took the book. I commented from the back seat, " That lady was sure nice to stand there holding that cold ice cream while you talked to her."

    His wife said to her husband , " Tell me you didn't make that poor woman hold that cold ice cream all that time"

  • woodfloorist

    Oh I forgot to mention that the elder replied, "What ice cream?" Which was one of the reasons I never became a Jehovah's Witness. I concluded he was more interested in getting the householder to take the book than he was concerned about the householder's well being.

  • Netty
    Which he said was based on the belief that aliens came to earth in a hot air balloon and created mankind... or something like t

    Was his name Tom Cruise? Sorrry, my way of throwing my .2 cents in. Since its been close to 20 years since I've been out on service So, cant remember many specific incidents.

    Except for the time me and another teenage sister, found a nice shaded porch swing, where the householder wasn't home. Sat there chatted and laughed our heads off (she was always stoned) while the rest of the group worked the territory in heatstroke temperatures. When they were done we caught up and told them we found someone who was interested. Not so weird though.

  • PaulJ

    I once did a whole street in a very short space of time by greeting the householder with- "Hello! We are here to talk about the bible!!" No one took us up on the offer tho....

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Once a pioneer brother and myself went to the front porch of a house. After knocking we heard a woman's voice from the second floor at the side of the house but we couldnt tell what she said. We walked to the side door of the house and we could hear her yelling "who is it". The brother responded that we were Witnesses but she couldnt hear him. After the second or third attempt of communicating throught this second story window she finally yelled "hang on, I'll be right there". When she came to the door she explained that she was in the middle of using the toilet. The brother responded that we were sorry to interrupt her, to which she replied "thats, OK. It already went back up in".

  • GetBusyLiving

    :"thats, OK. It already went back up in".

    Bwahahahaha.. OMG I'm in tears here..


  • joelbear

    thank god for weird calls

    they were the only thing that livened up service.

    i used to like debating with people about beliefs. i wish

    i had those hours of my life back.

    mmmm, suwanee swiftee store treats.

    the breeze under a live oak tree while the old sister is witnessing for an hour

    snoozing and countn time

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