Live 8! Like Jehovah's Witnesses, all talk and no possible action.

by free2beme 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    As I enjoy these concerts this weekend, where I got to see Pink Floyd perform. I am reminded all the more how much us humans like to put on a good show, but really get very little done. These artist have spent time, money and effort to end world hunger in Africa. Yet in reality, this is nothing more then a concert that people tuned in to, to get something out of it, that had selfish gain, to see artist perform they always wished they could see live. Yet a year from now, just like 20 years since Live Aid, the world will still have hunger and Africa will continue to go on it's downward spirrel to worthlessness. An effort that seems so pure in motive, but so useless in reality. Much like our Witness life of the past.

    For you see I think for the most part, the message the Witness put out was something positive for mankind. It involved peace, loving relationships and much like the concert, a desire to end world hunger. They spent all these recorded hours going from door to door, and in bible studies sharing such messages and preaching when ever possible to all that would listen. Yet did they once, go to another country and plant a seed of food or take part in political change to end the horror they so often said was the sign of the end. No, for much like Live 8, they want someone else to do it. Live 8 wants the wealthiest countries in the world to do it. The Witnesses wanted Jehovah's army to do it. Yet with such active minds of hope, there is not an equal active body of action. So they fail, and fail they do often.

    The Live 8 people are often some of the wealthiest artist in the world, living in mansions (often with more then one) and vacationing in the dream locations of many. They eat food at the best locations and have it prepared by the world's top cheifs, while dressed to the max in the finest of clothing. Why can't these ones shed these material gains and give it all to actions of feeding the African nations, rather then just taking some time to sing? Why can't Witnesses who claim to have families of love and energy to preach about a peaceful future, take that love and energy and feed the homeless or build a house for the poor with the extra time they had for preaching. It does not happen, and that is the reality of these concerts and of this preaching work we took part in and exist today. It sounds so wonderful and the motive seems so loving, and yet they all hope someone else will do it and someone else never does. Africa will stay hungry, the world will continue to be at war and with lack of love. Yet there will always be a concert to bring it to our attention and there will always be a Witness preaching from door to door on the corner, to remind us what the world could be like if people were less show and more action. Yet that is the life there was, is and everymore shall be. For we have tickets to the show, lets enjoy it while it last.

  • Satanus

    I don't think that the artists can be faulted that much. That they live in huge mansions is irrelevant. Perhaps the artists' guilt has been played upon. In their good nature, in their own ways, they are attempting to help.

    Should we perhaps turn our critical eye to the organiser, bob geldof, if i remember right, or to africa itself. Have the problems been clearly identified? Have some long range solutions been arrived at, and agreed upon?

    This whole movement reminds me of a scince fiction book i read yrs ago. It was called 'the sirens of titan' by kurt vonnegut. In it, a fake attack by an army of brainwashed soldiers was staged. They staged from mars and attacked the earth. Earth wiped them out. Then, earth underwent a tremendous wave of guilt at their own bloody action against the attackers. A religion was founded based on that guilt. People wore weights as penance. Virtue was based on how much wieght a person wore. This whole thing was planned from the beginning to the end, including the guilt reaction of the victors. Amazing book.


  • free2beme

    I heard a quote from bob geldof in which he stated, "my work is done?" Does that tell you something about the man? Your work would be done when the problem was over! He should have said, "my work has just begun!" Keep in mind, it was 20 yrs ago that LIVE AID happened and it took 20 yrs for him to actually take the time to do this again. Not much of a worker if you ask me.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How much human aid and personal resources have you folks contributed to the needy?

  • Satanus

    John Doe

    I spent hundreds of dollars, and more hours attempting to help needy, down and out people. This was face to face help, as much as i was able at the time. I don't do it anymore. I discovered that most down and outers subconsciously want to be where they are. I also discovered that i needed to improve myself.

    I'm not saying that people cannot be helped. Perhaps there are different ways that are more effective. Perhaps only people that really want it can be helped. I found that most needy people only want continuous support in living their lives their way.


  • purplesofa

    I dont know all that Live8 completely stands for.......

    I think there are some very positive things to think about.

    It has got the whole world talking about Africa right now, and I am sure a whole score of other things.

    It brought a much heightened awareness to the public about what is going on........just the simple 3 second clap.Will Smith did with the audience......... for every 3 seconds someone dies in Africa from hunger.

    Whatever the problem is going on over there.......whether it be a corrupt government, ignorance, whatever the reason......the eyes are on them now bigger than ever. It will be difficult to hand over money without some kind of accountability.

    As for the artist......we don't know what they are doing to help anyone. I am always surprised at the generosity I hear of artists...(that so many people say are evil) contribute so much to different causes. Because of who they are and thier audience, a message will get out to a whole different mass of people.

    Anyone that enjoyed the concerts, and turns thier back on being able to help a hungry person, will go against thier conscience. the message was plain, the money that will be given will come later. Out of all the taxpayers pockets. Pretty clever way to make a cheerful giver.

    Seeds are planted, as are seeds from from witnesses preaching. there are all different kinds of growth after a seed is planted.......

    I can never knock anyone's work they do, hopefully we all do what we can in our own ways......but we can't know, and unfortunately things are not solved, unless the problem is brought to the forefront.......that is what Live8 has done in my opinion.


  • Tigerman
    Tigerman remind me of someone who lives a very negative life; don't you realize that it's not what one has/owns in life but rather what one feels. What difference should it make to you if these artists live in nice houses . . it just doesn't matter, or haven't you gotten to that point in your life yet.

    Don't downplay someone for trying to do something worthwhile.

  • Carmel

    Not unlike other regions of the world, the real work of educating girl children, starting women owned businesses through mini grants and loans and a host of quiet projects are going on through out Africa and Latin America and India. They get little if any press, yet are subtly changing the landscape for the future. Likely the concert will have minimal long term affect as it raises money which goes away like a drop of water evaporating on the hot pavement. Education and encouragement are the best formulae for social and economic development.


  • free2beme
    How much human aid and personal resources have you folks contributed to the needy?

    Last year I helped with one of those builds to build a low income home. I donate to the United Way on my paycheck. In all though, I admit that I do not do a bunch. Although, I don't claim to be trying to accomplish something like Live 8, and then go home to my mansion.

  • free2beme
    free2beme remind me of someone who lives a very negative life; don't you realize that it's not what one has/owns in life but rather what one feels. What difference should it make to you if these artists live in nice houses . . it just doesn't matter, or haven't you gotten to that point in your life yet.

    Don't downplay someone for trying to do something worthwhile.

    Maybe we should make them a Saint then? In all, I am a realist and remember how much a waste of time Live Aid was. So if they want to act like they are something wonderful and that this is their change the world concert, let them. I am not buying it though ... seen it done before and I know where it does .... no where! Negative life??? Whatever! Can we talk about the subject and not try to side step into acting like I am not mentioning something that isn't in your own newspapers. I read this exact thought in a article and said it in a JW application ... then again, I could be demonized. Here is the point though, might have been lost. These rich people have a pitty party and act like they are doing something so wonderful! The news pats them on the back and acts like it is wonderful and omit the fact that it doesn't. Africa is not starving because there is a lack of food in the word. Africa is a mess, because it is corupt!!!! When we have tried to get food to these people, it sits on the docks and goes to waste. When we send money, the warlords take it. There are areas that change governments yearly in blood civil wars and the people kill one another with the heartless attitude that makes someone sick to think about it. When we have come in with military action, we got our asses kicked and ended up making a bigger mess then before we were there. People are upset that the USA is policing the world since 9/11, with terrorist nations. Now we are saying these same countries should tackle hungry, great! Sounds so good and simple, lets not forget loving. Now read what I just said above, see what happens and answer this ... should we police these nations to not do what they do? Maybe Jesus will change their hearts! From

    But Live 8 has sparked debate over whether making money available to African governments encourages corruption.
    "Throwing money at African governments is not the answer," the brother of South African President Thabo Mbeki wrote, Reuters reported.

    Took me about five seconds to see what I was saying it mentioned on news organizations. It is not some reach of thought, this is something that comes across the news everytime someone mentions aid for Africa.

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