The GB of the JWs guilty or naive and ignorant ?

by greendawn 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    Farkel I wonder why they singled out Mexico for favourable treatment?

    Not to answer for Farkel, but Mexico was growing rapidly as far as dub numbers were concerned. If Mexico was like some 3rd world countries with little or no growth........the society wouldn't have given a shit. Mexico's growing publishers were coached by the society to break the law so the Mexican publishers could work with visa's and give some of their hard earned money to buy books, magazines, and send contributions to the society and continue the growth Mexico was/is experiencing. It was all about money and growth.

    As far as to WHY the society made the strict rule for those in Malawi.....perhaps someone else would care to answer.

    BTW......nice to hear from you Farkel.......ya sick bastard!



  • greendawn

    Danny I'll check out more the family shunning issue my impression is that they disfellowship or at least mark those associating with disfel/disass/ed family members.

    As for outright lies i'll check amd give you some examples the one that comes to mind now is their refusal to accept that the 1975 end of the world excitement among the dubs was caused by the organisation and instead they blamed it on the R & F.

  • Hellrider

    Frankiespakin wrote: "Hell,

    Your hyperlink is to an article by Jerry Bergman, he is not very well respect here on this forum, he used to post here and his credentials are highly suspect, as are his statistic. "

    Ok, I didn`t know that. I saw it said "Ph.d", so I thought he was ok. Well, there is a site called "TowerWatchMinisteries", and they have some statistics,check out this:

    ...there are many more articles on that site. I borrowed a book from someone once (in norwegian) that had statistics on this issue, that`s why I mentioned it in the first post. But it`s not as easy finding statistics on the internet as I would have thought. But that site has some.

  • Farkel


    I tried calling you recently, but the number I had was no longer in service. You know how to reach me.

    Gumby was right when he said the GB rulings are all about money. For years we were told that dubs were persecuted in Mexico and not allowed to preach or hold meetings. That was a lie. The society registered in that Country as a "cultural organization" because religions were not allowed to own any property at the time. As a "cultural organization", the society could and did own property. Since they were not supposed to be a religion, they were told not to openly preach and sell books, but to keep a very low profile. Then a MIRACLE FROM JEHOVAH happened! Mexico lifted its restruction on religions owning real estate and dubs started publicly selling WT crap! The society owned real estated the whole time.

    With regards to Malawi, I was a dub when the riots started and the WTS made a huge deal over this in their litter-a-chure. We then believed that before Armageddon, the entire world would turn on us and persecute us, and the Malawi riots bolstered that belief. Put simply, the WTS refused to lift their ban on political cards and then used the gang rapes, tortures, confiscation of property and murder to promote themselves.


  • gumby
    Danny I'll check out more the family shunning issue my impression is that they disfellowship or at least mark those associating with disfel/disass/ed family members.

    their refusal to accept that the 1975 end of the world excitement among the dubs was caused by the organisation and instead they blamed it on the R & F.

    The policy used to be.......anyone who "carried the banner" for the disfellowshipped other words, supported the Dfed ones wrongdoing, or defied the elders decision to disfellowship the wrongdoer.........could be also disfellowshipped. Now that apostasy is prevelant, many are being questioned by two elders if they are seen in company with a DFed one. I'm not exactly sure of current policy as far as action being taken. As for 1975......there are countless recorded tapes you can buy or download that are talks given by Fred Franz himself, and many other CO's such as Floyd Kite and other prominate dubs........who can testify that's it's bullshit that the society didn't promote 1975 as the year for Armaggedon. My wife and I remember well the coundown the CO's would give in our hall ...counting down the year, month, that would usher in the 7000 year day that would begin the 1000 year reign of Christ. ( he would actually look at his watch while doing this) Gumby

  • DannyBloem
    The policy used to be.......anyone who "carried the banner" for the disfellowshipped other words, supported the Dfed ones wrongdoing, or defied the elders decision to disfellowship the wrongdoer.........could be also disfellowshipped. Now that apostasy is prevelant, many are being questioned by two elders if they are seen in company with a DFed one. I'm not exactly sure of current policy as far as action being taken.

    Yes, if you are in company with a df person, and keep doing this, you probably will be df-ed yourself. The only exceptions is if it is in bussiness. For example your boss or college is df-ed. The other exception is close family members (children, parents, 'fleshly' brother/sisters). In both cases it is not allowed to talk about spititual things.
    Sorry can't quote directly. All wt things are stowed far away...

    As for 1975......there are countless recorded tapes you can buy or download that are talks given by Fred Franz himself, and many other CO's such as Floyd Kite and other prominate dubs........who can testify that's it's bullshit that the society didn't promote 1975 as the year for Armaggedon.

    I do not know eactly what they said afterwards about 1975. In publications they always talked about the 6000 years of human history etc. I think they never said that armageddon would come. They implied it though. Of course later they could claim that they never said it. Of course they knew what was going on in the organisation. They probably believed also in 1975 i think, the GB members.
    Anyway this is kind of a half lie or so. What exactly did they say afterwards?

    My wife and I remember well the coundown the CO's would give in our hall ...counting down the year, month, that would usher in the 7000 year day that would begin the 1000 year reign of Christ. ( he would actually look at his watch while doing this)

    I was still young, I remember only some things. I know some stupid dubs sold there house for a low price because it did not matter anyway, and went pioneering. My father an elder told (also from stage) that it would be very unlickely it would come because nobody knows the hour... (this famous text). It did not made him populair, they said. nobody knows the hour, but we know the year...

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