An honest question for women only

by Skimmer 24 Replies latest social relationships

  • waiting

    Hey Somebody,

    When you get my age, 51, it's a legitimate excuse to say "I'm really braindead and haven't the me out some?"

    I wrote a really nice card to my future son-in-law (damned lawyer is 50 btw), thanking him for the way he handled a situation with my children. The next week he called me and thanked me warmly for my card......and I didn't have a clue as to why I'd sent him that card. The fool even read me a little of it (not the important subject matter, duh....) and I still didn't know.

    I finally had to say "yeah, I remember sending the card, I just don't know why, but I'm sure it was a really nice thing you did." Couple of hours later, I remembered - and it was nice.

    I called him and told him he'd be like me when he reaches my age next year.


  • somebody


    You never fail to give make me smile big smiles. I smile so much reading your posts. Even when I read your responces in heated topics, I smile the proud agreement smile.

    I might just use your words in my reply to my former classmate. Mind if I steal them?

    Your future son-in-law must love you a lot and think the world of you.



  • Skimmer

    Hello thinkers wife:

    Thank you very much for the encouragement.


    Hello somebody:

    With respect to your incoming mail from the fellow who remembered you, I would suggest that you be honest yet tactful. Point out some common events or persons that both of you should be familiar with and see if his replies help with your memory.


    Hello waiting:

    No, I'm not conning anyone; there's no purpose in doing that. Also, too many of us were conned for too long already as a result of our experience with the WTBTS.

    I'd like to be known as a nice guy; mostly I try to be honest. And except for my shining blue eyes, I am not cute at all. I could stand to lose 10 kilos, but I still have all my hair although there are signs of grey starting to show.


    Well, still no replies; I'm fairly sure at least one would have come by now if any were coming at all.

  • waiting

    Hey Skimmer,

    I've worked closely with men for 25 years now. I find they generally think they're either incredibly good looking or can't understand why a woman would think they're good looking at all.

    Blue eyes are a great start. Having hair is not an essential - being nice is.

    A sense of humor, natural laugh goes a long way. We all have 10 pounds to lose.

    Nice chatting with you.

    Hey Somebody

    How's the weather up that way? Hope this finds you doing well. Between Skimmer's and my suggestions, somewhere lies the middle path.

    I went to our school's directory - and one of my old "hang around with" guys has an e-mail up. I didn't try to contact him - he was one of those guys who thought he was Killer Cool back then. Jerk. We had several arguments back then, my guess is we still wouldn't hit it off. I wasn't the quiet type, could ya tell?


  • Skimmer

    A final update:

    No replies; I was sure I'd hear from at least one of the three. It may be that all three have changed e-mail addresses; I know one person who changes hers three or four times every year.

    Then again, if any of them did get the e-mail but chose not to reply, that's okay as all three are intelligent with good common sense so I trust that they are doing the right thing in not answering.

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