Local Needs - Apostate Warning!!

by hopetofade 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard
    JWs are taught, for example, that elders are appointed by holy spirit. Yet every JW knows quite well, on a usually deeply buried level of consciousness, that something is seriously wrong with this teaching.

    The charge leveled against me by the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall Judicial Kangaroo court was a "CAPITAL OFFENSE" for rejecting this Watchtower dogma.

    They explained quote "that in ancient Israel i would be brought out to the city gates and stoned, first stoned cast by a family member" unquote

    dirty bastards


    Danny Haszard now raising hell in Bangor Maine

  • Honesty

    Local Needs talks always confirmed my suspicions that all was not well and unified in LaLa Land.

    The Groveling Body is so afraid their misguided flocks are going to find out the truth about their demonic cult.

    Bob Evans

    Spreading the truth about the truth throughout East Tennessee

  • greendawn

    No lies ever told at the jw congos, it would be easier to say when is it that they don't try to twist the scriptures so as to manipulate the dubs to the ends of the org?

    They point is that they always talk as if they really care about the spiritual interests of the R & F but that's their last and least concern.

  • garybuss

    Welcome hopetofade.
    I said to myself, "If they have the truth they'll answer my questions."
    Guess we all know how that turned out.

  • hopetofade

    I think he mentioned "watchtower.com" Don't know if that is a site or not. He said the first one was "our" site and then there were many, many others. I had the same thought - wonder how many others from my congregation are looking at Silent Lambs right now!!

  • carla

    Do they do the 'local needs- apostate warning' at every meeting everywhere? I wonder if people will be glaring at my husband, I wonder if they know I have hit 154 houses now with my own 'literature'. I'm sure they will figure out is me. I have been lazy lately, I have 50 more ready to go. Better get up early, carla

  • potleg

    The WT is running scared and so they should be...the tide is turning...they might s well say "stick your head in the sand, everything is a lie and everyone outside the org. is a liar. THE TIDE IS TURNING...greetings from another Wisconsin apostate

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    And of course, I was waiting for him to make direct eye contact iwth me andsay "we know YOU have been visiting those sites!!"

    Yeah, I can remember doing that. It was hell. Especially with my mother sitting there. I was waiting for the 'evil eye' from the speaker, as if to say "We Know".

    Then I'd go home and read threads on here. Funny. I've learned a h*** of a lot more here about the witnesses then I did at the, uh, those things, oh yeah, meetings.



  • zagor

    There is nothing that has been said from this platform that has ever brought anyone lasting harm!

    Everything that has been said fromthis platform is the TRUTH!!"


  • zagor

    is nothing that has been said from this platform that has ever brought anyone lasting harm!

    That's because there are support groups and website that take care of x-jws

    alt To add: So they are now admitting that there is "a level" of harm they do to the people is that it?

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