Edgar Cayce

by stephenw20 67 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stephenw20

    . . justifying of self is blaming someone else.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2803-2

  • stephenw20

    . . for he that seeks the Lord must believe that He is, would they find Him; for one doubting has already builded that barrier that prevents the proper understanding, whether as to physical, mental or spiritual attributes, or spiritual aid, or mental aid, or physical aid; for that in faith sought for shall be thine, even as was given, "Be my people and I will be your God."
    Edgar Cayce Reading 459-1

  • stephenw20

    Then all of these influences astrological (as known or called) from without, bear witness--or are as innate influences upon our activity, our sojourn through any given experience. Not because we were born with the sun in this sign or that, nor because Jupiter or Mercury or Saturn or Uranus or Mars was rising or setting, but rather:
    Because we were made for the purpose of being companions with Him, a little lower than the angels who behold His face ever yet as heirs, as joint heirs with Him who is the Savior, the Way, then we have brought these about because of our activities through our experiences in those realms! Hence they bear witness by being in certain positions--because of our activity, our sojourn in those environs, in relationships to the universal forces of activity.
    Hence they bear witness of certain urges in us, not beyond our will but controlled by our will!
    Edgar Cayce Reading 1567-2

  • stephenw20

    For perfect love casteth out fear, and fear can only be from the material things that soon must fade away.
    And thus hold to the higher thought of eternity. For life is a continual experience.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 1175-1

  • crossroads

    Stephen---I'm going to read this one a lot this weekend

  • stephenw20

    Know that it is not all just to live--not all just to be good, but good for something; that ye may fulfill that purpose for which ye have entered this experience.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2030-1

  • stephenw20

    Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter in." Unless you can be just as forgiving, unless you can find it just as easy to forget slights and slurs and things that would make afraid those who would judge others. For with what measure ye mete, it is measured to thee again. Even as He, the Master gave, the faults ye find in others are reflected in thine own mirror of life. And as He gave, "Cast the beam out of thine eye that ye may see to take the mote from thy brother's eye."
    Edgar Cayce Reading 3395-2

  • stephenw20

    [Karmic conditions] can be met most in Him who, taking away the law of cause and effect by fulfilling the law, establishes the law of grace. Thus the needs for the entity to lean upon the arm of Him who is the law, and the truth and the light.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 2828-4

  • stephenw20

    Any choice made by an individual is to be worked at.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 930-2

  • stephenw20

    As He has given, and as has been presented again and again, not in times nor seasons, not in new moons nor in any place, but every day, every hour we show forth His love in a manner that makes for the knowledge of all contacting us that He walks with us, that He is our friend.
    Edgar Cayce Reading 262-36

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