Meeting the Challenge of Meetings - From Awake!

by ezekiel3 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i think that awake is quoting some apostate material

    bethel minute

  • zagor

    Good God.

    Though I'm not surprised, they've already had similar cock-ups before. I've wondered many times if their writing department is even researching their own literature to ensure that there are no discrepancies, like in the case whether Sodomites are going to be resurrected, so you have over the years - YES, NO, YES, NO, NO, YES, NO, YES, YES, NO, YES, NO. Hard to keep up with the CURRENT TRUTH (whatever that is)

  • sf

    This Afake! magazine piece screams hypocritical fakes. It should actually be renamed Afake!

    What the hell should/ does the WTBTS care about the worldly corporations of Satans World and/ or how THEY operate their worldly, wicked system of things?? Let alone their damned corporate business meetings!

    Can they get any more hypocritically fake and two-faced?

    Yes, I'm sure they can and in the future, we surely will WITNESS such.

    sKally....btw ezekial: i loved that pic in the other thead...i was laughing so hard i had tears...also, did you ever go to yahoo jw chatroom?

  • skin

    Were did you get that quote from? the original magazine or CD Rom, my CD Rom says something totally different. There is the closest to your subheading



    A recent study concludes that "people who complain they don’t have enough time are under an illusion," reports The Australian. The paper cites a study conducted by the University of New South Wales and the Australian National University and states: "Many of us are spending more time at work and doing household tasks than is strictly necessary." Researchers calculated the amount of time a working couple without children needed to work in order to provide the bare necessities of life. They then compared the calculated time to the amount of time they actually spend on those activities. The study found that childless working couples "spent a combined 79 hours a week at work, 37 hours on household tasks and 138 hours on personal care, but they only needed to work 20 hours a week [10 hours each], do household tasks for 18 hours and spend 116 hours on personal care [including eating and sleeping]," says the paper. If a couple were willing to scale back, they could gain as many as 100 additional hours of free time a week. The study, according to The Australian, suggests that working couples without children "claim to be most pressured for time, but are, in fact, the least time-strapped of any group, with parents far more pressed for time."

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