by hamsterbait 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I have worked beside a great guy for so long.

    This week his wife went into labor with their first child (They lost two others BTW) So he left work to be with her (????)

    He got smashed to death by a truck on the way to the hospital. I am cut up, he was so kind and understanding.

    But What really gets me is that last night I was invited for supper, ( by those looving true christians) and as I was in mid sentence telling about this, my Host cut in with "Honey, are those potatoes done yet??"


    I managed to not weep till I got home. HB

    Will they dance on everyones fertilizer pile after the big A.

  • luna2

    Oh wow...that's so sad, Hamsterbait. I guess some JW's have so divorced themselves from the rest of humanity that chowing down on potatos and talking about the latest ho-hum talk or boring doin's of the brothers and sisters is the only reality that touches them. Apparently showing a modicum of polite behavior or even *gasp* a bit of compassion is beyond their abilities.

    I'm so sorry about the death of your friend and feel terrible for his wife and new baby.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Really sorry to hear that hamster, was this person a dub?


  • Honesty

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I pray for his wife and unborn child.

    The WTBTS and the JW cult dehumanizes people with their heinous doctrines, practices and attitudes. They turn JW's into self-righteous puppets of a demon god.

  • hamsterbait

    No way not no how was he a Dub -

    In those situations it would be ANGUISH grief HOW EVIL Satan is to do this.

    What bugged me was that even though I was visibly upset, because he was not a Dub, it was not worth even acknowledging.


  • DanTheMan

    The thing that used to practically make my mind melt from cognitive dissonance was when dubs would speak of some unfortunate tragedy where many people died, such as an earthquake that was in the news, or 9/11, whatever. They'd say, oh those poor people, and I'd think, wait a minute, shouldn't we be happy for all those people because they died before the big A and therefore are resurrection eligible? And the lamenting was always accompanied by either a silent or spoken "wow we're so close to the end" which is really the only thing they care about.

    No wonder they're so cold when it comes to something like this, to be successful as a JW you have to swallow your humanity.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Everytime I think I will not hear of anything more stupid by way of these people's behaviour, I am once again body-slammed by another something worse.

    Hamsterbait, I am so very sorry for how you must have felt. I am surprised that you did not lose it there and let that mouthy potato eater have it right there at dinner. What in the hell is wrong with these people? She needs to hear something along the lines of, "No you inconsiderate jerk, they're not ready. I am telling you of the loss of someone who was my friend, I am sharing my pain and you are more concerned with stuffing your sappy smiling face with spuds! What is wrong with you?"

    Gods Channel my ass...


  • kls

    Sorry Hammy and for his family also .

  • hubert

    So sorry to hear you lost your friend to this terrible accident.

    So sorry for his wife and baby, too.


  • purplesofa

    What a sad, tragic story, I just don't think all witnesses are that heartless, surprised they did not try to get to the mother and place a What Happens when someone dies? tract/brochure with her to make it all better, or try to explain why god allows ones to suffer.

    It really is a hardening over.......whats even worse is if he was a witness, they would ask if he was speeding or whatever and judge his death in some way before giving sympathy.


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