Names and dates in Bible code reveals the future?

by Panda 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Panda

    According to a friend of mine she saw on some Christian channel (she's born again)... anyway there was this supposed Jewish math wizard scholar (I'm thinking kahbahla?) He claims that there are names like George Bush dates disasters etc. All the code is broken down by the number 49+1=50 (right then I'm holding in my laughter and thinking what would the amazing Randi say?) And then something w/ the number seven and counting letters and lines. She went on , she'd taken notes! So I asked her if the Jewish guy was reading in Hebrew? She thought and I said because that would completely throw off any letter counting, I said "as you know the written Hebrew used no vowels" She looked at me oddly. I asked again what language did his code count in? She couldn't remember. But she talked about more numeric miracles and astounding stuff. So then I asked well if it was in English did he use the King James Bible? Because that would also count letters differently. OK then she said " but they had a computer program." I asked if she saw them in put specific data..."no"

    I've heard of this before but don't remember the guys name who wrote this stuff in 1994? Does anyone on JWD know?

  • Odrade

    555 + 5+ 55+ 5 + 5 +5

    That's all I'm sayin'

  • the_classicist

    Don't forget all the differences in the MSS of the same language.

    I remember a book called, "the Bible Code." It was made rather recently though.

  • EvilForce

    Give a stupid crazy bastard 15 minutes and he'll come up with anything. Remember....a book can be stupid...but as long as it sells the publisher is happy. So make it controversial...and then it will sell.

    Look at this jag bag... he thinks Bush is the "Anti Christ" and has pages and pages on Hebrew, biblical interpretation, prove it.
    These idiots really get tiring.

  • Netty
    555 + 5+ 55+ 5 + 5 +5

    Remember you must panic or clap, the above, or it wont work.


  • luna2

    I seem to remember such a program being on the History channel not all that long ago...I didn't watch it, so I can't help you out much. Makes just about as much sense to me as Russell measuring the great pyramid looking for dates....or reading the writings of Nostradamus. I found those pretty spooky and gut wrenching many years ago. Edgar Casey had some cool predictions, and turned out to be right on a number of them too. Hmmm, maybe I should go back and read him again. I believe there was something about a great catastrophe and California breaking off and sliding into the ocean...Nevada will be the new west coast!

    I guess my thinking now is that if God put a secret code in the Bible, he deserves to have his ass kicked. If there's something we're supposed to know, just tell us already. God shouldn't have to mess around with hidden puzzles and weird obscure language that everybody has to fight about and try to interpret for thousands of years. At least that's how I'm feeling lately. Still working through some bitterness, obviously. LOL

    If nobody remembers this program, I'm sure you could google it.

  • doofdaddy

    I remember some prophets saying that the king of the north in the book of daniel was the soviet empire and were soon to take over the king of the south britain/us. Oooops. Sure sold a lot of books though...

  • jimakazi
    guess my thinking now is that if God put a secret code in the Bible, he deserves to have his ass kicked. If there's something we're supposed to know, just tell us already.

    YES - hit the nail on the head so to speak.

    Bible code, JW expalnation of Revelation etc, what a load of rubbish!

  • Honesty
    Give a stupid crazy bastard 15 minutes and he'll come up with anything. Remember....a book can be stupid...but as long as it sells the publisher is happy.

    EF, you are so right. Just look at that crazy CT Russell. He made Jim Jones look tame.

  • funkyderek

    The Bible Code, and interpretations of Revelation, or the poetry of Nostradamus are incredibly precise at predicting the past. Depending on who you listen to, they predicted World War II, JFK's assassination, September 11 and so on.

    It's when it comes to predicting the future that these methods run into problems. So what happens is every few years someone comes out with a book, showing how their prophet of choice has predicted various momentous events, and uses the same method to predict future events, usually a major earthquake in California or World War III. Of course, none of these predictions ever come true, but by then it doesn't matter. The book has already sold tens of thousands of copies, and the author may even have an updated and revised version out.

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