Aluminum Chlorhydrate – Cause of Breast Cancer?

by zagor 53 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Jim_TX

    "Cancer is largely an old people's disease"

    This is another 'wives' tale'. Cancer knows no age limit. It is occurring in more younger people (even children) these days. My girlfriends' ex-husband - who is only 40, had cancer a few years ago - in his 30's.

    Oh. That's right. Our ancestors never lived much past 30, right? *rolls eyes*

    There are many food 'additives' that are causing health issues these days - and the common folks are not being told about them.

    The government agencies know about these... and have deemed certain 'acceptable' levels to be added to the food.

    Personally, I wouldn't trust the American Cancer Society or anything that they have to say - and refuse to read any of their propaganda - it smacks of JW literature.

    I'll quit now... I almost got started on my ranting.

    Each person has to determine what they want to believe.


    Jim TX

  • Satanus

    Both men and women use the same antiperspirant, but women absorb more of the aluminum because they shave their pits. Hair interferes it from contacting the skin as much, thus less absorbsion.


  • greendawn

    Jgnat I hear this explanation often but I agree with Jim on this issue, and I wouldn't trust the Heart association any more than the Cancer society, they put the massive increase in both of these diseases down to the longer lifespan, yet heart disease at least, rocketed in just 20 years (1930-1950)from being very rare to the levels that we have today.

  • M.J.
  • jgnat

    I did my family tree. I read the cause of death of my ancestors. An alarming number died from "Consumption". Howcome nobody dies of that today? I don't read the American Cancer Society's site, I read the Canadian Cancer Society page. Why not ask the people who deal with this sort of stuff for a living? Or would you rather talk to the pig farmer in southern Alberta who has found a vitamin cure for Bipolar Disorder?

  • EvilForce

    Consumption is an old name for tuberculosis (TB) that describes how the illness wastes away or consumes its victims. TB is "an ancient enemy" that has plagued humankind for more than five thousand years. The Greeks called it phthisis, and Hippocrates advised his medical students against treating it, because it was almost always deadly, and a dead patient was bad for business.

    Caused by a highly contagious bacterial infection, TB is blamed for 20% of the deaths in 17th-century London and 30% of those in 19th-century Paris (as depicted in Moulin Rouge). In those days, the disease proved deadly for about 80% of its victims. It's estimated that TB has killed over 1 billion people in the last two centuries. But we have anitbiotics now that cure it.

  • the_classicist

    "Consumption" is now otherwise known as pulmonary tuberculosis. People don't get it as much as we have been able to limit the spread of the bacteria, due to our new-found knowledge in the area of epidemeology. EDIT. Damn, EF, you beat me to it b/c I had to look it up.

  • jgnat

    "Consumption" also covered a wide range of wasting diseases, including Cancer.

  • talesin

    Well, I think that Jim_TX and S make good points.

    My rule is, avoid all unnecessary chemicals that I can.

    I don't use anti-perspirant, I use an alum crystal, and I DON'T shave my pits. AND I no longer get painful cysts in my pits! Go figure ... guess my lymph nodes are thanking me.

    (no offense intended to you, jgnat, you know I hold you in the highest regard)

    heheh, you folk beat me to the punch with the consumption thing,,, yes, TB was the main disease labelled 'consumption', but is also inclusive of others that we are now more knowledgeable about.


    *learned a lesson from the Euros* klass

  • Golf

    The answer to your question, without a doubt. The Cancer Society and the AMA only spew out lies and deception. Their 'not' interested in finding a cure, it's all about money and control. The drug cartel are the winners.


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