night you will be disfellow or reproved should u?.

by jazz 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • soylibre

    The elders received my disassociation letter on a Monday, on the following Wed, (48hrs) they announced it, I only talked to one brother....and that was to tell him to go to the KH and get the letter since I put it in the mailbox instead of mailing it....I had actually put it in the box on the previous Friday and knew they hadn't recvd it.....called this elder to find out about it, called him back an hour later, he had already been to the KH and back with the letter...They didn't try to talk me out of it....he was the only one I spoke to....I thought I would get that "week" before they would announce it, but when I called a friend of mine no one answered and I guess they saw it on called id, her husband called and left a message on my answering machine....."We follow Jehovah's please, please, DON'T EVER, EVER CALL HERE AGAIN".... I knew from that statement, it had been announced......I just wanted to talk to some of my friends...and say goodbye....I guess, that's probably the one thing they didn't want me to do....

  • LoneWolf

    Wal, wal! Brings back fond memories. I went. Kept my head up and kept a sardonic smile on my face the whole time. Took my sweet time about leaving afterwards too.

    Of course at the last committee meeting we were all told to keep everything hush-hush. Naturally, I went around and told everyone everything BEFORE it was announced.

    This was objected to, but I explained that when they DFed me, they removed themselves from having any form of authority over me. They could think of no retort. I liked their red faces.

    Ditto when I commented that I certainly had no reason to be ashamed of anything I did and was wondering if they were embarrassed over their own conduct and could that be the reason for their desire for secrecy?

    Thirteen years later, I still attend meetings with my family occasionally. At first, a few numbskulls challenged me, but I ate enough of them enough times that they just shut up and get the hell out of the road now. My wife and kids are treated well, and even some of the elder's kids are allowed to come over and play with mine at times.

    Numerous times I've been asked if I would like to come back in. My answer is always the same. "Sure. Just as soon as we discuss the circumstances of my disfellowshipping."

    "We can't do that," they answer.

    "You will." Personally, I'm enjoying the situation.


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