night you will be disfellow or reproved should u?.

by jazz 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    Dear Troubled,

    There is another website and darnet I dont have it to give to you about shunning. Its from Beacon. I think if you type in Jehovah witness shunning it will pop up. Its the one by Beacon. It is so good. When 2 elders came to see me over my DA letter i brought up all the points from that web site and they turned white.
    After reading it you'll see that shunning is not a christian practice and wasn't in the 1st century.
    I encourage you to read it.


  • troubled

    Thank you, I will look there.

  • reagan_oconnor

    Jurs: Sounds like a sister that went to a hall I used to attend. She had 4 young boys and was divorced from her loo-ser husband (who was related to my in-laws). She was pioneering (on food stamps for the boys) and was DFed after she got pregnant by some "worldly" man. Later had a baby girl; I shudder to think what happened to that little girl; the oldest boy had some weird issues, I'm inclined to think he may have abused his brothers sexually.

    I didn't go to the meeting when my DF was announced; I was there for the reinstatement announcement, and afterwards just about everyone in the hall came up to me and hugged me... made me really uncomfortable, like I hadn't existed for the past year & 1/2. One woman who had obviously not "heard" the announcement walked by and saw me chatting with several sisters and said V-E-R-Y L-O-U-D-L-Y, "I guess we're allowed to talk to you now??" I said, "Uh, yeah, I guess!"

    Moronic JWs.


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • BoozeRunner

    Reagan, isnt that so disgusting? Like you said, all of a sudden you EXIST again!!! Shunning is so contrary to our inborn human nature to associate with others. By JW "declarations", one can be seen as if dead, then another "declaration" brings us back to life.



  • LDH

    I went to the meeting that my DF was announced out. I tried in vain not to cry. My father did cry, my mother looked disgusted.

    After the meeting, it was like zombie land. No one made eye contact with me (I wasn't trying mind you) but the audience seemed to part for me like the Red Sea. I became immediately invisible.

    I would NEVER subject my daughter to such humiliation. NO WAY.

    When I got reinstated, it was like I was visible again.

    What a kick in the arse, I realize now.

  • think41self

    Hello all,

    Again, I think this is a personal decision. If I felt I had to try to "prove" anything, I would have gone. Hubby and I were df'd on the same night, I believe, and he and I went out to a nice seaside restaurant for a lobster dinner, drank margaritas and watched the sunset. Sigh...I will always have fond memories of that night.

    At the time, he and I worked together, and we had some JW's who were clients of ours. It was rather comical watching some of them delaying coming in to see us for anything...some were big chickens and just transferred their accounts out...and one really cool guy just kept talking to us like he always had. Needless to say I think more of him as a human being than I do ANY of the others.

    Hubby has a short fuse for being treated as a non-human, so if we see any loyal JWs around town, if they totally ignore him, he walks right up to them and says "Hi, how are you doing?" Not ONE of them has had the balls to refuse to speak to him when he does that. If they just smile at him or nod at him, he leaves them alone, just smiles back. Only one has been a real honkey-noodle about it, and when she stood glaring at him in the checkout line at the store, he waited for her outside and went by in his car, and yelled: "You're a really good Witness Donna, you should be SO proud of yourself!" I would be willing to bet she thinks twice about being nasty to another df'd person.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • BoozeRunner

    T41, once I was DF'd, there was a brother-a Graphic Artist who had his own company-who refused to do business with me. I am just glad my he didnt own a McDonalds. What if I walked in looking for a burger? Would he refuse to serve me?


  • teejay

    Amazing, you said,

    When we disfellowshipped someone, we normally expected them to stay home on the night of the announcement to prevent discussions and fellowship with JWs before the Service meeting. Although some few showed up for the announcement, most did not.

    I was there for mine.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I ran into someone several months later who told me that they had a nice reproval night for me. I haven't been back since.

  • Princess

    We just did the fade, no DA or DF. Most witnesses treat us like we are df'd though. The Prince walks right up to them and starts talking, cracks me up. The look like they want to disappear or die right there. I have no interest in talking to JWs, I ignore them before they ignore me. I would go if/when we are df'd though. I know the Prince, he'd want to sit in the front row with our loud unruly kids and make a scene through the whole show. Then we'd have to noisily leave as soon as the announcement was made. I almost hope it happens...maybe THIS Christmas!


    "...and they lived happily ever after."

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