how many of you are considering boycotting tom cruise's 'war of the worlds'

by orbison11 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I guess I haven't been "paying close attention"........what's this about Tom Cruise and chemical imbalances and medication?? I know he's hooked on that wacko religion Scientology and donates heavily to them (..a fool and his money are soon parted..) and I know he's engaged to some chick, but that's about all I know....

    I want to see the movie---not because I'm a big Tom Cruise fan, but because it's a Steven Spielberg movie and I am a fan of his.

  • lonelysheep
    STFU! I pay to see you portray a role in a movie! If I wanted your political opinions, I'd hire you as a consultant. Just take the damn Oscar & get the hell off the stage. And you'd better pray to God thatTom Selleck doesn't shoot your ass in your next movie!


    I will be going to see it because it looks good, not because of him.

    As for his cult-speak on psychiatry and meds....later for him. He's an actor, not a doctor of any kind.

  • willy_think

    Every person is entitled to his, her opinion. I don’t hold tom’s beliefs against him nor do I think anyone should presser anyone else to shut up by any means. The freedom to speak ones mind is critical in a free society.

    Since I've never seen a good tom cruise move before I don’t have any interest in this one.

  • hillary_step

    Boycott him for his terrible acting - let the other lunacy speak for itself.


  • Mecurious?

    Hey, I'm with trevor. I love Tom Cruise. I've seen all his moveis maybe except Eyes wide shut and far and Away. And I also agree that he's entitled to his own opinion too.

    For someone who cant read a lick he's come a long way.


  • kls

    I never gave Tom Cruise a thought ( never liked him ) until he started his Scientology crap on tv and my 21 year old son saw it and starting telling me how it all made sense and how this moron maybe right . This guy is influencing viewers all over with his preachy crap and people are taking notice to his BS. War of the Worlds and everything else this idiot does is banned as far as i am concerned.

    Tommy boy

  • HappyDad

    Tom Cruise is an

    I never did like him except in the movie where he played a hit man and just about held the cabbie hostage to take him to the hits. Other than that, I will not choose to see any of his films since he is acting like the idiot of all times.


  • Purza
    tom cruise is stupid. as a person. i give him one of the worst insults in our culture: stupid.

    Have to say I agree with this after listening to a clip of the interview with Matt Lauer this morning. Tom Cruise reminds me of my brother, who is still a dub, who thinks he IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Isn't that dub mentality?

    Listening to TC made me want to hurl as there is no other opinion but his. He said that he "researched" these drugs that have helped people, but he never said what the basis of his research was. IMHO TC is an arrogant a**hole.

    That being said, I will not boycott the movie, but I may wait for the DVD, as the movie is not all about Tom Cruise.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I plan on going to the movies and seeing this movie, regardless of my disagreement with his views on psychology and his publicity driven relationship with Ms. Holmes.

    If I was to disagree with the point of view of the many different artists or their life style, I'd for sure not ever go to the movies!


  • love2Bworldly

    I don't like Tom Cruize but I am going to see the movie because it looks like fun. I think he is pretty much an arrogant jerk and I could care less about his romantic flings pictured on every magazine cover.

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