Sponsoring Kids

by hamsterbait 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I sponsor a couple of kids in the third world.

    How many do that? I reckoned that I could easily give some of the money I spent on booze and do some good.

    What bugs me is that I want to go and find the little ones and rescue them from their hell. Then when I see how many children are suffering I get all upset and want to drink again, because I can't see that me doing anything is any good.

    Maybe I should just get rid of the TV...


  • jeanniebeanz
    because I can't see that me doing anything is any good.

    Changing just one life for the better seems to me to do a lot of good for that one person. Even if it seems overwhelming the amount of suffering in the world, just giving up wouldn't save even the one person you've helped.

    It's hard not to over extend yourself though if you're not careful in your assistance, so, be careful but Kudo's too!


  • Elsewhere

    When I was a kid I was watching a "Feed the Children" program that was asking for donations to help starving people in Ethiopia. After watching for awhile I asked my parents if they would make a donation and they refused explaining that it is more important to sell people literature than to give them food and shelter... anyway, Jehover was going to give them paradise if they starved to death.

    After leaving the bOrg I went to www.children.org and "adopted" a child in the Philippines. Every month I send a donation. Also, for different holidays and his birthday I send extra money for gifts and needed household items. Just my way of making up for all of the years I was forbidden to help.

  • Elsewhere

    What the hell... I just sent him a "special gift" donation.

  • hamsterbait

    What always got me when my folks refused to give to charity was the "why put a sticking plaster on cancer" attitude.

    If somebody is suffering you want to help them in the here and now, not leave them writhing in the hope of everlasting life in paradise.


  • Netty

    Wow you guys, this is just beautiful. What a wonderful thing to do. I think most people, I myself am guilty, see these commercials, and feel bad. But we dont take any action and do something about it, like you have. Dont feel bad thinking you can only do a little, like Jeanne said, every little bit counts. Wow, again.

  • RichieRich

    I admire you, but I think not much of the money actually benefits the individual kid. Just my 2 cents...

    For the price of a cup of coffee, I can buy a Mountain Dew... lol

  • Elsewhere
    I admire you, but I think not much of the money actually benefits the individual kid. Just my 2 cents...

    For the price of a cup of coffee, I can buy a Mountain Dew... lol

    lol Before I sighed up I wanted to know how much of the money was actually going toward helping the kids, so I did some research and found that Children International are considered to be a good and reputable charity that uses 79% of its money for actually charity work. The rest is for administrative and other costs.

  • misspeaches

    My boyfriends sisters family (phew) sponsored a child through Christian Childrens Fund on behalf of their children. They did this to help them appreciate how some people are not as fortunate as themselves. Since then they have had heaps of correspondence from the kiddy and the family go between them. My boyfriends brother-in-law (phew again) went overseas last year and had the opportunity to meet their sponsor child. He said it was one of the most beautiful experiences of his life. It was really like a second family. He was able to see the improvements the family have thanx to the sponsorship. There was a big celebration in his honour held in the village when he arrived.

    I think child sponsorship through some charity funds really does make a difference. Me and the boy are going to sponsor our own kiddy too...

  • Frog

    hey there Hamster:) your intentions are extremely good, and that counts for allot I believe. If you really want to make a difference go and do some voluntary work in India or Africa, there are plenty of really great projects. I suppose allot of people sponsore children to appease their consciences, so they don't have to feel guilty when those NGO adds come on the tele. But those donations do allot of good, so you need never feel guilty that you're not doing enough. frog

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