Cat in Emergency Care - could use some support

by carefully faded 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Hi everyone. I'm really nervous and scared right now. I just brought my boy kitty to the emergency care clinic with a blocked urinary tract.

    I noticed something was wrong last night when I came home and his sister greeted me at the front door (he is always the first one to greet me). I went into my bathroom and saw that one of them had pooped on the floor - something neither of them had ever done before. I found him under my bed in his kitty bed. I thought something might be up, but I didn't worry too much.

    I heard him growling and huffing once during the night, but I thought he was just fighting with his sister (something they occasionally do). I moved her away from him and went back to bed.

    This morning, he wasn't sleeping on my bed as he usually does. I found him under my bed again in his kitty bed. He started growling and huffing again. I took him out and he seemed uncomfortable. He kept going into his litter box and sitting for a minute, then getting off, then going back, etc.

    My friend had told me about her male cat that had a urinary blockage and that it could be life threatening if not treated immediately - as the toxins build up and eventually kill the cat. I called the emergency vet who said that it most likely is a urinary blockage and that I should bring him in immediately.

    I raced to the vet and when I got there they took him immediately to check for the blockage. The doctor came in the room and said that he does have a blockage and that they were going to need to try to unblock it using a catheter. She also said that he has a heart murmur and that would slightly complicate how he would be treated with regards to fluids, anesthesia, etc.

    I'm going to call the doctor in about 10 minutes to find out how the procedure went. Please everyone, think good positive thoughts for him - he's a pretty special big guy.

    Oh, by the way, the estimate for the emergency care alone is between $550 and $850. That only covers his treatment until tomorrow morning at 8:00am - when I'll have to transport him to his regular vet. Right now, the cost is the last thing I'm concerned with - but come on! I wish I could add my furry kids onto my health benefits plan!

    - CF

  • Netty

    (((CF & Kitty). Sorry this is happening, your poor Kitty!

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Netty, thanks. I just called the vet. The doctor couldn't come to the phone because there was another cat emergency, but the receptionist was able to tell me that he came through the procedure just fine, it went well, and that he is sitting up in his cage looking around. So, I'm going to call again later this afternoon to check on him and speak to the doctor. I want to find out exactly what she found - was there a stone? Did he have a lot of blood in his urine? How long does she think he was blocked? I'm hoping I caught it fairly quickly so that the damage to his kidneys is minimal. I clean when I'm nervous . . . my house should be spotless by the time he comes home! His poor sister keeps looking around the house and then looking at me as if she's thinking, "where did you take him? where is he?" I'll keep you posted on his progress and please continue to keep him in your thoughts. - CF

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sorry, Carefully. I hope this all turns out okay.


  • Jourles

    That's good it went well. Our's has partial renal failure and requires saline injections under the skin twice a week to maintain his hydration.

  • littlerockguy

    Im so sorry you are having to deal with that and I hope your cat pulls through. My cat's urinary tract was blocked and had to take him to the vet the next day. His bladder was drained and he stayed at the vets for a week but it was too late as uremic poison spread through his body. The vet didn't tell me this but I knew as I took him home a week later right when I got him in the house and layed him in a bed for him he died. I got the cat from Oklahoma, had him flown in as there were to Bengal catteries that I knew of in the state of Arkansas. Anyway I now have an ocicat; well my father has her now as he and my stepmother have grown attached to her and I let her stay with them as they live out in the country where she can run around in the yard and chase squirrils, birds, etc.

  • TrailBlazer04

    Will keep you and kitty furbaby in my thoughts. We have 2 kitty furbabies. One ran away shortly after we got her, and we found her 10 days later about 10 miles from home...

    One more thing...if you can, get your kitty a collar and a tag with her/his name and a contact phone number (I use my cell #) I m positive that's how we managed to get our Jessi-cat back home.


  • carla

    My male cat has had that problem a number of times. He's about 15 now. They perform sort of a Roto-Rooter type of procedure. Sorry, guys but that's the way it works. Husband usually got pretty squeemish at that. Anyway from now on make sure his food is low ph. It doesn't have to be the most expensive either. I can always tell when it is coming on, he either leaves little blood spots around, or hopefully before that happens, pick him up close to his back legs but still under his stomach and if it is starting he will surely let you know! If he needs to go to the vet then at least it won't be an emergency situation and an emergency bill. Good luck, let us know how he is. carla

  • Sunspot

    I was relieved when you wrote back and said he came through fine. We have lost two furkids due to kidney/ urinary tract infections.

    Our "Bandit" (we had a black lab called "Smokey") was doing the same thing---running to the box and doing.............nothing. But straining. So stupid ME, I thought he was constipated and fed him mineral oil. I remember the kids and I following him into the place we keep the box......and all waiting to see if he had any "results"! But it got worse and we brought him to the Vet. He did the same thing, but it was too late. I was inconsolable for days.

    I'm glad you caught it in time!

    hugs to kitty and to you.....


  • JH

    I'm glad that all went well carefully faded.

    I love cats too.

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