How many of you want to be resurrected? (I am not judging here! Just a Q!)

by inquirer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I wanna be ressurected to be a womans bicycle seat I think.

    If I get ressurected...I'll prolly be that guy in the Revelation book with the red bandana on his head, unshaved, biting his teeth with a club in his hand, with that large group surrounding the Holy Camp of faithfull witnesses. Soon after that, Jehovah will kick my ass and tell me he knew all along I'd turn bad. Bastard!


  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Well, it depends what you mean by "resurrected". If you mean the JW version, then I couldn't care less. Why? Well, acccording to the Watchtower Society, when you're dead, you're dead. You are a living soul comprising a physical body made of the "dust of the earth" and you have a "spirit" which means "the breathe of life". When you die, your body goes back to the earth, and your "breathe of life" goes back to the god who gave it (Jehovah). In other words, you simply go out of existence.

    Now, in the resurrection JW style, Jehovah raises up a new body and instills in it the "breathe of life". And what is it that is you? Well, apparently Jehovah has this "perfect recollection" of all that was you while you were alive. He remembers all of your thoughts and feelings and memories and experiences while you lived. This is what He installs into this new body, and voila! "You" have just been resurrected! Basically this would amount to a kind of "software program" that is virtually all that was you, that Jehovah would install in your brain.

    Now stand back and take a good look at what just happened here. Is that really you? Or is this merely a duplicate of you? Looks to me like you just got cloned. Remember, you went out of existence when you died. There was no more "You". So there is no such thing as "You" coming back to life. God can only make a new CLONE or DUPLICATE of you.

    Therefore, why should you and I even care if we get "resurrected" or not. Let's say I do not qualify to get resurrected cuz I was just too bad! Then I die, and here I am in this "eternal sleep". I just don't wake up, and my body gets eaten up by the worms and the maggots, and eventually becomes merged with the elements of the earth. The "memory" of what was "ME" simply becomes non-existent. Oblvion! At that point, I know nothing, am aware of nothing, and I become forgotten. So what! Why should or would I care about anything after that. On the other hand, if I did get resurrected, is that really ME that got resurrected? Absolutely not. The best that Jehovah could do is manufacture this clone. Big deal! Why should I care? What difference does it make.

    So therefore, the notion of "Soul Sleep" or "Total Annihilation" just does not fit, and is not logical in the context of the Resurrection as defined by the JW's.

    On the other hand, suppose when you die, the "Spirit Essence" that is YOU, inhabits your body while you are alive, but leaves your body at death and goes somewhere else. Then, if the Resurrection is true, God raises up a new body, and your Spirit that is the conscious you and has a continuity of existence and awareness and memory of your whole life, gets united with this new body and you become resurrected. Now in that situation, I would really want to be resurrected. I would care what happened to me and my eternal destiny. That makes much more sense to me than the JW version.

    Rod P.

  • Qcmbr

    I think everyone will get resurrected whether they want it or not.. of course I'd worry about someone just a little if they didn't want to be resurrected even if only as an intellectual exercise (because presumably they must not like living so much now.)

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    I am not sure what you mean by "if they didn't want to be resurrected, even if only as an intellectual exercise".

    As I see it, it is not a question of whether one wants to be resurrected or not. Rather it is a question of whether the notion of Annhilation and Resurrection can logically fit. IMO they do not. There is no question in my mind that I DO want to be resurrected. I was speaking rhetorically in terms of questioning the JW rationale.

    I am high on life and eternity!

    Rod P.

  • DannyBloem

    I would like to be resurrected. I even would go back to the borg if everything they said was true, and that was the only way to get a ressurection.
    But it is just hypothetical of course, I do not believe in fairy-tails anymore

  • Qcmbr

    Hi Rod - just saying that suspending belief or disbelief about a resurrection I'd be worried if someone actually said that once they died then they didn't want to come back (ie suggests they aren't chuffed about life now.)

    I totally agree though that the JW idea of God remembering someone and cloning them into existence doesn't fit with the idea of a unique conscious individual.

    Just for the record the thing I can't understand is - if we are conscious spirits with an existence external to the body why do we sleep / go unconscious / go into a coma - how is it possible to block a conscious entities consciousness? Hmm I didn't explain that well. The silly thing is I think I can conceptualise what sleep feels like ergo I must be conscious at a low level during it - it feels like a warm fuzzy darkness - therefore death must be a step further than that for th enon believer orJW style believer - a nothingness that is unimaginable.

  • Rabbit

    I dunno. I'm looking around for better offers...for instance, I'm looking into Islam's offer of 77 virgins. It seems a little more of a 'sure thing' than the Buddists (?) with their 'reincarnation-into-gawdess-knows-what-animal-bug-fish-x mother-in-law bitch' that I might have 'mistreated' somehow nonsense.

    Oh...will JW's be there, too ? Cause if they are...I'll just take the virgins.


  • LittleToe

    Rabbit:I just know that "her indoors" is gonna pinch ya blue, if she reads that!!!

  • Rabbit

    Little Toe, her "Hineyness" laughed and said, "Is he talkin' bout me-e-e...?" (all innocent like)

    So, did your butt ever get back to it's normal color ? (not that I would know what that was...)

    Rabbitism ~ my new religion...carrot readers

  • LittleToe

    Are they virgin carrots, as someone has a vegetable fetish?

    The rear-end recovered, thanks, but left an indelible impression - LOL

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