Young People Ask...

by Markfromcali 33 Replies latest social humour

  • frankiespeakin

    Young People Ask..."What is the average sized dick"

    Young People Ask..."Where do babies come from"

    Young People Ask..."Are thier any pedofiles on the GB"

  • Markfromcali

    Young People Ask ... What about Spongebob? (series on reputedly homosexual cartoon characters)

  • frankiespeakin

    Young People Ask.. "Are Smurfs for real"?

    Young People Ask.. "What a hermaphrodite"?

  • the_classicist

    Young people ask... how to live a double life

    ... how to look for a mate in a KH full of horny teenagers.

  • jimakazi

    Young People Ask... "How long is a generation?"

    Young People Ask... "What was supposed to happen in 1975"

    Young People Ask... "Will the people of Sodom get a resurection?"

    Young People Ask... "What was the declaration in the 1934 German Year Book?"

    Young People Ask... "Why didn't daddy go to college"

    Young People Ask... "Why is my daddy a janitor"

    Young People Ask... "Why do I need 2 eye witnesses before you will beleive I was abused"

    Young People Ask... "If I have no soul, how can I be resurected?"

    Young People Ask... "Why would Jehovah have created a well balanced ecolcogy with a food chain if after Armagedon in Paradise everything will eat grass"

    Young People Ask... "If we can eat grass in paradise, why can't we smoke it now?"

    Young People Ask... "Why is it wrong to think"

    Young People Ask... "Why are you afraid of my going to college?"

    Young People Ask... "When the hell is Armagedon coming?"

    Young People Ask... "Why do Jehovahs Witnesses want governments to be religiously tolerant, when Jehovahs Witnesses are not"

  • jimakazi

    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without being shuned?"

    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without hurting my family?"

    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without my family & friends hurting me emotionally?"

  • Netty

    Young People Ask: "What steps should I take NOW, to reach my career path of being a successful Janitor"

  • georgefoster

    Why is there hair down there?

  • RichieRich
    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without being shuned?"

    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without hurting my family?"

    Young People Ask... "How can I escape without my family & friends hurting me emotionally?"

    Young People Ask: "How can I escape AND hurt my family and friends?"

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Young People Ask... Do Germans really love David Hasselhoff?

    Young People Ask... is Cosmetology a Babylonian practice?

    Young People Ask... Why is it bad for me to have a moustache, but OK for Sister Circuit Servant to have one?

    Young People Ask... Just how dumb do you think we are?

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