Question for Jehovah's witnesses?

by _stone_ 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Glofishy


    You have to realize that the majority of us are tired of "hit and run" evangelists that ASS-U-ME that everyone here is an active JW. I can only speak for myself when I tell you that I am tired of self righteous religious zealots from just about any religion, including my own, which is generally Christianity.

    Your post had the appearance of attempting to "bait" an active JW into a debate. Why come to a message board to do that? Just wait for them to come knocking on your door and you can ask them all the questions you like. In fact, if you're that interested, just tell them that you would like to start a book study with them, and tell them all your questions and concerns. It will help them since you'll be padding up their service hours, and it will help you since you seem so interested in this.

    If you saw angels, I hope it wasn't listening to Led Zeppelin records backwards when you saw them. lol

  • _stone_

    apologies for my crude remarks, i had received an email that may seal my departure from my mothers family, long story, but i'm thinking that may have been what caused me to snap. I understand that the closer i get to the truth of things, the more satan will try and prevent it from happening, but in the end evil will fail. I don't understand how something as weak as satan and evil can influence so many humans, humans must be very weak.

    Thank you for the replies, but you know, this site name doesn't indicate that this site is for ex-jw's?

    Now, one more thing, I'm reading up on this archangel, maybe you guys could tell me how one\angel can or receives the "arch" ? I'm thinking it's a military thing?

    I also read that the archangel michael appeared to constantine about the midst of all the unrest someone mentioned above.

    and i find it interesting that you say all christians, excludeing myself, worship jesus as if jesus was god...? well... if you guys are saying that is not proper, then i agree, but i also understand that humans are not the brightest light bulb in the house. I don't understand how others can say that Jesus and God are equals when they truely are not, this is not how i understand the trinity, i understand it as common sense, the father the son and the holy spirit, of which i've intervened with all 3 and i understand this as one because the spirit of god, of which i was filled with, comes from god, even though he works through angels, it still comes from god and Jesus, the son of God comes from god and so in this since they are one. What is so difficult to understand? I know this is true because i live this experience, i will say this, i swear to you on my holy bible that i do tell the truth and if you choose not to believe this is something i would like for god to ask you about when you see god. God has made his presence very well known to me, but i did not feel fear, is this wrong?

    God has placed me on this path and the angels will not allow me to stray. I would like to return here to some human kindness and cooperation in the future to guide me on my journey of seeking the truth. I withdraw the curses, god bless you all, and cya later alligators. ;-)

  • PaulJ

    What a guy!

  • doogie
    Thank you for the replies, but you know, this site name doesn't indicate that this site is for ex-jw's?

    i believe that the logo says "everyone welcome!" that pretty much says it all. the gentleman that started this site was a JW at the time so that explains the name. i still think the name applies, although a bit more ironically.

    if you choose not to believe this is something i would like for god to ask you about when you see god

    you and me both buddy. i've got a couple questions myself.

    I would like to return here to some human kindness and cooperation in the future to guide me on my journey of seeking the truth.
    well, i looks like that was extended to you at the start of this thread. if this thread is an example of how you usually respond to human kindness, then you may find it in short supply.
  • Bull21

    k looks like no one is gonna straighten it out from a Jw stand point so here it is

    Scriptural evidence indicates that the name of Michael applied to God's son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be the "the arcangel" meaning "chief angel" or "principle angel" The term occurs inthe Bible only in the singular. This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief , or head, of the angelic host. At 1Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the ressurected Lord Jesus Christ is describe as being that of an arcangel, suggesting that he is, in fact, himself the arcangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with "a commanding call".It is only logical, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that woud not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords (Matthew 28:18 Revelation 17:14). If the designation "archangel" applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to "an archangel's voice" would not be appropriate. In that case it would be describing a voice of a lesser authority than that of the Son of God."

    hope that anwsers some questions

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