Question for Jehovah's witnesses?

by _stone_ 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stevenyc


    I'm not meaning to offend either, but you must know that i have seen and spoken with many angels,

    No I don't know that, would you care to expand on this.

    although they do not answer my questions, i have been told that i must believe the word of jesus, it was also at a time when i was asking many questions about hindu's, buddhist, muslims, etc... because they all believe in good and are peaceful at heart. So i asked why must they all die, and the same for the homo's and such, my answer was that i must believe the word of jesus.

    So do they answer your questions?

    Now i am no religious guru or freak or anything like that, it's just i've seen some things that people don't believe.

    Oh I believe you, most people see and talk to angels, all the time.

    Anyway, so i've recently finished reading the bible, i think it took about 2 months, but i now know what that means as far as the context it was given. It was written that early christianity, as it spread began to mix in pagan beliefs with the teachings of jesus, but that was quickly put to an end, but now today, there are no true prophets and no disciples of jesus to put everyone on the correct path, at least there isn't yet.

    Well, what we now know as christianity is a combination of a bunch of religions put together by a roman emperor to control the empire.


  • _stone_

    so steven, are you a christian?

    i do not lie, whenever i ask questions they are not answered, when i asked it was about a month maybe 2 later when i was told of this, i choose the name stone because in the book of biblical names Peter means solid as a stone and i've always used it since, no i am not a stoner. Is this christian behavior or just jw behavior?

    You mock me i see. Does this make you feel big and bad? or just bad?

  • _stone_

    and so you bow to a roman emporer?

  • IP_SEC


    Im I right in understanding that english is not your native tongue?

    Also, many here are not christians, and many of us are not Jehovahs Witnesses, many are EX JWs. No longer JWs

  • stevenyc

    No I am neither a Jehovah's Witness or a Christian.

    I am trying to work out if 1:

    your for real. Do you have conversations with, and see angels? This is important, if you do my advice would be to seek some professional help. I mean this in a sincere way, no joke here at all.

    and 2:

    or if you're a troll.

    thats all


  • DannyBloem


    This is not JW behaviour. Then will happily give you a free bible study about this subject and then bring to in the borg, make you preach, get rid of all unnessesary thinking and much more.

    Be carefull with them. Just my advice as a JW, (who does not agree anymore)


  • Terry

    The Trinity (as a Doctrine) is the epitome of a group of men who disagree trying to make sense out of too many differing opinions; yet, creating an opinion that will be enforced!

    The various councils convened by Emperor Constantine sought to quell unrest in the valuable constituency that brought Constantine to power. But, they were all over the map on what WAS and what was NOT orthodoxy.

    The influence of Neo-Platonic ideas on Judaism and Messianic hopes and Jesus stories was a bit much to bear. Something had to be done; there were just too many ideas floating around causing violence.

    The result is a patchwork idea that merely INSISTS that something is so without anything rational, reasonable or objective being able to support it.

    You see; the councils were stuck with what had been accepted as reasonably true about Judaism and Jesus' own role in being the Messiah. Paul's writing was designed to dovetail an ancient montheistic-flavored creed with mystical ideas of a uber-human/man-god who must die.

    The dialogues between Jesus and his Father are ludicrous when viewed from a Trinitarian standpoint. So, faith became the cop-out. It became believeable because it was impossible.

    Today, Christendom is stuck with it.

    But, we Ex-JW's have the best of both worlds. We see there is no "there" there at all and it makes absolutely no difference what anybody believes about it. Ahhhhh, FREEDOM!

  • _stone_

    wow, you people are pathetic, no i am not a troll, i am looking for answers that only a jw can answer. oh, and look, it says jehovahs-witness discussion forum, if you guys are not jw's... hmmm.. why would i need to see a doctor?

    I'm curious, how would you have spoken to jesus or any of the ot prophets when they say they were filled with the holy spirit of god? This is how you people greet others i see, well, i was gonna say curses to you all, but you have already done a good job of curseing yourself i see,

    thanks for the trinity feedback and goodluck and godbless, cya

  • love11

    I'm an ex-jw, but I used to auxillary pioneer (went door to door 60 hours a month) so I know what they believe.

    They do not believe that god is a 3 in one.

    They believe-

    1. Jehovah God (the only and true Almighty God)

    2. Jesus his Son (his actual son or greatest angel in heaven now, not God in any way, shape, or form)

    3. The holy spirit (or god's active force, not another being, just an energy)

    Why do they believe this? Because they want to.

  • delilah

    Well Stone, if we never see you again, your profile says it's your birthday, so have a happy one eh?


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