how about genetic manipulation?

by DannyBloem 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    What is your view on it? (i do not know the dub view, but is it not important for me)

    For me:

    for food: OK

    foor animals: ok

    for humans: ok

  • Crumpet

    I don;t want my food genetically manipulated or animals, but I am for manipulating gender as in of babies - so you can get the gender and orientation and looks that you want in your offspring.

    A funny thing - I used to really want a blonde child and I thought that if I died my hair and pubes blonde it would come out that way. I genuinely thought this was the case. I won;t say how old I was as that would add to the embarrassment.

    Just out of interest - why do you want to consume genetically modified food?

  • Terry

    The essential problem is this.

    Over millions of years our food and our animal life forms have adapted to each other. One survives out of using what the other has or does.

    When you skip the evolutionary process you may make an odd fit that upsets (and harms) the balance between the two life forms both vegetable and animal.

    You can put all the parts of an alarm clock in a box and give them to somebody who doesn't quite understand clocks and tell them to assemble something. Do you think the result will be as useful as the clock was?


  • upside/down

    Genetic Manipulation is WRONG... it can make you go blind and get hairy palms.

    It's in da bible...somewhere.

    u/d (of the shaves his palms class)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i'm all for it, on all three counts. and that's not to say that things couldn't get ugly. gattaca by gore vidal does a good job of illustrating possible scenario.

    might i also add, that we are already phenotypically modifying ourselves for extended life spans and better health etc. so a genotypical alteration seems like a natural next step, but also an unavoidable one.

    maybe i am just lustful for the possibilities, and not paying proper care to the negative possibilities.


    i am really surprised that you are kosher with human genetic manipulation, but not agricultural. it seems arbitrary at first glance. care to explain? i would consume gentically modified food because it would be better for me in theory. natural selection did not create our current species of consumables for our sake. therefore, while it all seems good to us with the benefit of hindsight, there is probably a lot of room for improvement as far as human consumption is concerned.

  • sonnyboy

    In some countries parents only want male children (e.g. China). What would happen to the female population if they were able to genetically manipulate their offspring to be only male?

    On a tangent from that idea, what would happen to the WORLD population if we were able to genetically cure all diseases in the womb? We'd have nowhere to put everyone and our natural resources would be quickly depleted.

    Scientists are so quick to come up with ideas that will prolong our lives, but they don't even seem to be considering how to prolong the life of our planet. That's like finding a way to produce a healthier egg while disregarding the crumbling shell.

  • the_classicist

    Let's let evolution take its natural course. Remember how Monsanto f**ked up in India?

  • DannyBloem
    A funny thing - I used to really want a blonde child and I thought that if I died my hair and pubes blonde it would come out that way. I genuinely thought this was the case. I won;t say how old I was as that would add to the embarrassment.

    This is funny indeed.

    Just out of interest - why do you want to consume genetically modified food?

    It is not that I would prefer modified food, I would not have any problem with it. I would not mind eating it, as food there can be very little wrong with it either. I think that experiments with genetic modifications are very important for the future.

    Over millions of years our food and our animal life forms have adapted to each other. One survives out of using what the other has or does. When you skip the evolutionary process you may make an odd fit that upsets (and harms) the balance between the two life forms both vegetable and animal.

    Terry, that will still be the case of course. But we already control the evolutionary process in many ways. If we would cause a disbalance with genetic modification then I can probably be found by natural mutations also. It is just part of the process, only ascellerated.

    You can put all the parts of an alarm clock in a box and give them to somebody who doesn't quite understand clocks and tell them to assemble something. Do you think the result will be as useful as the clock was?

    If he does not try to assemble it, it surely is not. Only with experimenting he can get somewhere, and that is just the point. With enough experimenting and learning he is maybe even able to improve the clock.

    i'm all for it, on all three counts. and that's not to say that things couldn't get ugly. gattaca by gore vidal does a good job of illustrating possible scenario.

    might i also add, that we are already phenotypically modifying ourselves for extended life spans and better health etc. so a genotypical alteration seems like a natural next step, but also an unavoidable one.

    Tetra, as i noticed many times we have the same though pattern. The possibilities are so huge. We do not need the WTS for extended lifespans. The future can be bright and exciting


  • LouBelle

    u/d *cough / splutter* that would be genital

    I'm actually fine with genetic manipulation if it is used possitively, for eg in humans, to eradicate disease or something like that, but otherwise I'd let nature choose if my baby was to be a boy or girl.

    In food - I don't mind as genetically manipulated crops can produce bigger harvests - feed more people.

    In animals - again if it is to benefit the animal that is fine.

    One thing I'm not too sure about is cloning - I'm not comfortable with that. I think that's just going too far.

  • mtbatoon

    Lets face it GM is about making more money not about helping the needy or curing all ills. As such you'll have very little say anyway.

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