Ever have this happen to you??

by outoftheorg 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    I went to the Post Office this morning, to pickup the mail of course.

    On the way out I encountered A JW.

    He is a rather nice quiet kind of guy. At one time in the past he came to the house and showed some interest in one of my daughters.

    Today this poor guy is married to the daughter of the ELDER FROM HELL. His whole family hates him save one. His wife and one daughter joined the Nazarene church just to piss him off.

    His wife is the sickly "if it has a name I got it" type.

    Anyway as I was leaving, he is at the door coming in and looks up to my face and says, Hua Pua and quickly looks away and down and brushes past.

    I had no expression on my face and looked at him as I walked out.

    He at first had the very NORMAL HUMAN response for a man he knew. HE WAS TRYING TO SQUEAK OUT Hi Paul.

    Before he could the jw,s cult control took over and the cognitive dissonance showed up in his facial contortions.

    I wish I could just hug him and shake the shit out of him. Maybe that would wake him up.


  • skyman

    Yes I see it all the time. I am not DF but everybody knows who I am and the stand I am taking. So some will not speak to me or even look at me. I was at an auction last month when I noticed a Sister and husband from the other congragtion there. The husband came over and said high and shot the bull for a while. Some time later I when over and touched the wife she turned her back to me and lifted her head stifly in the air and stayed that way untill I left. I started laughing which made her mad.

  • crazyblondeb

    You know if one of us apostates actually touched a JW, they'd think we were trying to pass on some of those demons that we are infected with! LOL

  • Netty

    It used to happen to me more, years ago. Seems like I hardly ever see a dub I know anymore.

    But yea, I used to hate it. I remember seeing an elder at Walgreens, oh say 13 years ago. The brother did that same quick starting to recogize, then quickly ignore thing. Then my brother mentions that the brother said he saw me.

    I remember the day vividly. I was dressed so respecfully, all nice and witness like. Jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirt, nothing tight or revealing, all my curly hair nice and tame, hardly any make up. My brother says 'I told him you werent in the truth anymore" and the elder says "yea I could tell by the way she looked." Scuse me?

  • katiekitten

    Must have been that red devil look in your eye Netty!

    My witnoid father in law (when i was courting his son) said he could see my knickers once as I was putting my legs up on the sofa. I said he shouldnt have been looking at my crotch. Perv.

  • Honesty
    I remember the day vividly. I was dressed so respecfully, all nice and witness like. Jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirt, nothing tight or revealing, all my curly hair nice and tame, hardly any make up. My brother says 'I told him you werent in the truth anymore" and the elder says "yea I could tell by the way she looked." Scuse me?

    That's why the early Christians had the wisdom fish sign to let other Christians know they were Witnesses of Jesus because they looked like everyone else. I can spot dubs in about 10 seconds because they look different than everyone around them. I went up to a group of da sistas a couple of years ago when I was in Athens, TN. on business. I just knew by their grooming and attire that they were in the 'Lie'. Same thing in Sandy Bay, Jamaica. They are easy to spot anywhere in the world because they stand out of the crowd so well, especially if you study, get baptised and join the cult. Appearances are everything to the WT Governing Body of demonz.

  • Balsam

    Let me share a bizarre experience I had about 4 years ago.

    I was newly disfellowshipped, had moved to another state and was with my fiancee. I decided I want to go to the the local Kingdom Hall. I had at that moment been disfellowshipped about 1 month and still believed in most of the JW teachings; yes even disfellowshipping treatment. Well my fiancee and I entered the KH and a few JW's were in the back, all walked inside and one sister turned to us and welcomed us, and starting asking questions. I told her politely I was disfellowshipped, well before I could say anymore this sister started screaming shaking her hands in the air and dancing back and forth on her feet looking terrified because she had shook hands with me. Well Howard and I just stood there stunned. Howard looked at me and I looked at him then she fled into the main part of tha hall with her hand over her mouth. Well by then because she was screaming everyone had turned to see what the heck was going on. There we stood, and everyone thought we had done something to her. She rushed in and sat with I guess was her family, they immediately starting whispering back and forth as we sat in back. They would turn and stare at us once in a while with interest and fear. Well the talk started and we followed along, and then a brother came up and handed us some Watchtower magazines for the WT study. Well Howard was freaked at this sister behavior, and frankly I was too. What the heck was with that? Anyway when we left during the final song. Howard when we got outside said what the heck was that all about. I told him I had no idea as I have never seen anyone ever in 30 years behave that way. He was creeped out. He said what the heck kind of religion would create such a reaction, he was not impressed with JW's.

    We went to that same congregation on Sundays perhaps 3 more times before we moved out of state. We recieved a few disapproving looks. The weird thing is no one even knew us, we were strangers. Why would a congregation treat visitors in such a way. One very nice Elder came up the next visit and intoduced himself. I again said I was disfellowshipped and that Howard was my fiancee and I hoped they would make him welcome. Well this Elder and his wife were just outstanding, they always smiled at me and always shook Howards hand and welcomed him from the second meeting on. They were the only two welcoming people we ever met there that treated us nice.

    After we moved to NC with Howard, we attended two more meetings here. Only one incident of a sister I had known giving Howard dirty looks. She thought he had taken me from the so called "Truth", but she didn't know all the facts. She did hug me when I first saw her even though I told her I was disfellowshipped. About 6 months later I started reading Crisis of Conscious, and haven't been to the Hall except for the Memorial one time.

    The screaming incident was absolutely the most bizarre reaction I've ever had as a disfellowshipped person. Still don't know what the heck that was all about.

    At a walmart a brother I knew was working there. I was disfellowshipped and was with my youngest son. This brother was a walmart greeter. As my son and I walked out this brother jumped in front of me and stood with his hands on his hips staring into my face. I told him "get the heck out of my way Johnny you moron". I had to put my hand on his chest and force some distance between me and him, he was about 4" from my face. The idiot thought he was intimidating me. My son got really mad and was going to punch him. Never saw him again after that. Most witnesses I had known would see me and throw hate filled looks my way. I would just laugh, as they were just a joke.

    I am guilty of shunning disfellowshipped ones myself over the 30 years. So I don't think much of it as they are reacting to their teachings.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Balsam - That experience was just bizzare!! Wow!!

    I have had some 'shunning' experiences of course - though not disfellowshipped yet. But what I have noticed is that the 'friends' seem to have made note of where we might go in public and at the times we would normally be there, and avoid us by not going to that place. For instance, this is a small town, and of course witnesses must have a place for the mandatory 'coffee break' in service. There is a little coffee shop uptown that I always visisted during the 'fade out' time. I would sometimes take COC to read there and always had to ready to hide it if the local service group came in that day - and they came in often. Once it became gossip-mill that I frequented that place, and most likely was an apostate [not due to seeing what I read, but due to the gossip in the cong about us leaving], then I almost never saw a witness in there again. I am now reading COC for the third time. Now I have no fear of them seeing the book, and would not even care now if they did DF me, but they simply never come in that place. I have had a nice Lutheran friend that works there tell me they are in there sometimes when I am not there - so I suppose they look for my car. Freakin' Cowards!

    Thirty years as friends and brothers and they think that breathing the same air I am in will polute them? My disgust has become pity for these poor followers of the blind.


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