Ain't Karma Grand?

by Low-Key Lysmith 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I just found out that the PO of my old cong who presided over my disfellowshipping meeting was just disfellowshipped himself for a long history of horriffic physical and emotional abuse of his wife and family.

    While I feel terrible for his family, I can't help but crack a smile when I think of him sitting in a cell (he was incarcerated for his evil deeds) stewing in his own juices. When I was a kid in the Cong, this guy was the most opiniated, judgemental, hateful asshole I have ever known. I feel to some extent that justice has been served. May you rot in hell you miserable bastard.

  • upside/down

    Revenge is SWEET!

    I'm still waiting for a little "Karma" to come my way... before I take over and cap a few bastards myself...

    "oooooossssaaaaaaahhh!" - Bad Boyz II

    u/d (of the busta a cap class)

  • cruzanheart
    When I was a kid in the Cong, this guy was the most opiniated, judgemental, hateful asshole I have ever known. I feel to some extent that justice has been served. May you rot in hell you miserable bastard.

    Aw, c'mon, LKL, don't be shy -- tell us what you REALLY think of him! You know nothing would've happened to him if he hadn't been arrested for his "misdeeds." I hope he's getting in prison what he dished out to his unfortunate family, and then some.


  • upside/down

    Sadly, the Dubs will just say that J cleaned house in his due season... UGH!

    u/d (of the "they win" no matter what class)

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    This guy took it a step further in that he abused OTHER peoples families with his public slander of them and hypocritical mouth diarreah. He truly deserves every worst possible conscequence for his actions. Turd.

  • upside/down

    He'll probably get some well deserved "back door" justice... hope he has a healthy sphinctor!

    u/d (of the may he rot in Hell class)

  • xjwms

    Once upon at time

    in a land, .. far, .. far away

    I used to believe these men were directed by:

    ... GAWD.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    What goes around, comes around. I have seen a few stories like this myself with some of the creeps that I remember from growing up in the hall. Yeah, its hard not to take a little satisfaction.

    Maybe drop him a note and remind him not to drop the soap.

  • badwillie

    Karma rules. My old pompous book study conductor was also jailed - for raping his wife.

  • Es

    sounds like he is on his way of receiving his just deserves, es

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