Meat eating preditors will eat grass like a lamb!

by jimakazi 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jimakazi

    I am always a little pi***d when I see JW illustrations showing lions and tigers in the close vacinity of samll children, lambs and other meaty treats with no safety barriers. [Why this is paradise is beyound me - these anaimals smell].

    So if we assume an intelligent creator, why would he create large meat eating preditors IF he really ment them to eat grass? Every thing about their make up is about specialistation, from teeth, to jaws, to how their stomachs work. Was that why Noah had to take 7 of some anaimals onto the ark - as food for the others.

    I've had some dipstick JW's try to tell me they ate grass before the flood, and if was only after god said Noah and co could eat meet that they developed the sharp teeth as a defence agsinst man [dod cows not need a defence]. I love it whern these guys try and think outside the square - the answers are just sooo damn funny.

    Also how is the eco system going to balance if every thing eats grass - I tried grass once - and it's didn't taste too good. I am however partial to a good steak, could I eat steak in JW Paradise?

    More recently one said this was "figurative" and ment people who were like preditors would peasefully co-exist with the lamblike people [baaaaaa any one?]. Where do they got this stuff?

    What do you guys think - another one to raise over the dinner table with those still in the "truth", assuming you are not being shunned.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I was informed by a JW that all will be vegetarian in the ''New Order'' (or whatever the current wording is now). Then why did God give us (and many animals) canines?

  • jimakazi

    Hi MidwichCuckoo

    All vegetarian? So why don't they do it now, if this is how Jehovah wants them to act in the new order?

    Hell if I know it was a vegetarian paradise [is this an oxymoron?] I would have hit the eject button sooner.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    yep - that's what I was told - back to how it was in the beginning. But, like you and many others, I am partial to meat. I am designed to be a meat eater. Now you have started this thread, I am curious to know why God created animals (including humans) with specific dentistry.

  • luna2

    I remember having this discussion with the elder I worked for way back when. There were some at our KH who would discuss those scriptures (and the lovely drawings in the literature) about preditory animals suddenly eating straw and frolicking with former prey and wouldn't that extend to the human family, yadayada reasonable to assume blahblah humans become vegitarian in the new system. He didn't like that idea at all. His face got all red and he literally pouted as he reminded me of the scripture in Isaiah 25:6 - 8 about the table Jehovah would prepare with wine and fat things with "marrow". He did not want to think that paradise might be meatless. It was kind of fun yanking his chain now and then.

  • EvilForce

    I commented on the elder who told me there would be "meat trees" in paradise.... if

  • iggy_the_fish

    Yes, as any of you owners will know already, cats are notoriously poor digesters of grass, as today's batch of green stains on my living room carpet will surely testify.


  • luna2

    LMAO EvilForce! Meat trees...Hahahaha! I guess anything is possible in fairyland.

    In one of the Wizard of Oz books (can't remember which one now..not the first), Dorothy was shipwrecked in a fairyland that had trees with boxed lunches and dinner pails growing on them. Now, that would be cooking or preparing meals if you didn't want to!

  • iggy_the_fish

    Maybe Jehovah will bless us with herds of tofudebeest*, which we can take a bite out of when we're feeling peckish.


    (*idea stolen from Far Side cartoon)

  • DannyBloem

    This is actually a very good point because many JW's differ in the personal view of this from what the WTS says. Many say it is figurative. WTS says also real.
    Good thing for a smart of some conversations, as it can draw answers, and it is simple enough, even for dubs, to understand there is something wrong here.

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