IT'S OFFICIAL: I Live in Hell!

by the_classicist 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    Yes, I live in hell, otherwise known as my bedroom. Outside it is 17 degrees C, inside my room it is a humid 30 degrees C. My windows are open and the fan is blowing, but this room won't cool down. Guh, just think how bad its going to be when summer comes out in full blast.

    The clear difference in temperature shows that my room is officially hell, or perhaps a more mild purgatory.

    I guess I should get my A/C reinstalled (took the window unit out during winter), but it costs a lot of money to keep it running. For now I shall content myself upon water for hydration and tortilla chips (non-fried, no transfat) for salt.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    now that's heaven!

  • FlyingHighNow

    When I was 18 I lived on my own in a fourth floor apartment in Chicago. A heat wave hit during that summer. I had metal furniture that was hot to the touch. The porcelain sink was hot to the touch. The tile floor was hot to the touch. I remember sprinkling myself with water and laying in the breeze from my window fan.

    When I didn't have a/c in my car, I used to bring along wet hand towels for the kids and me to cool off with. The breeze blowing into the car from the open windows and the water helped keep us cool.

    You could always get a cooler and pack it with ice and place it in front of a big fan. The fan will blow the ice cooled air. You could also keep ice water in a thermous and pour it on a towel and put the towel around your neck or on your forehead. When the towel heats up just refresh the water.

  • Kenneson

    I thought you were going to tell us that you had moved to Hell, Michigan!

  • cruzanheart

    Wimps! We should hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit here in Dallas by the day after tomorrow, and today's a Red Ozone Alert Day (translation: try not to breathe if you have to go outside). The temperatures stay in the 90's until well after dark this time of year. Back in 1980 we had more than 30 consecutive days of temperatures over 100 and the newscasters amused themselves by frying eggs on the sidewalk. The tar from the street stuck to one's shoes.

    And, of course, that was the year that the Society, in its infinite wisdom, decided that EVERYBODY should go out in service during the district convention (held in July, of course). Idiots that we were, we did.

    Nina (of the wish-I-was-in-Alaska class)

  • Ellie

    What are you all complaining about?

    Count yourselves lucky, we are supposed to be in summer here yet parts of Britain have had flash floods this week.

    Where I live its been warm but cloudy, but guess what, rain is forecast for the weekend.

    I'd love it to be so hot that you need air conditioning.

  • littlerockguy


    I never been in Dallas during the summers but heard stories about how bad it is there this time of year. It gets about as bad here in Little Rock with the humidity added. It only bothers me when Im going to and from work. My office on the second floor where I work stays plenty air conditioned; so much that I keep a cardigan in my office because sometimes it is too cold even in the summer.

  • doofdaddy

    From the south side of the planet, it is 17 degrees(and dropping) and freezing!! Omigod I am dying. In Aus this is truely brass monkey weather. No surfing in my part of the world....Depressing. All relative ain't it?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Nina, I'm a southern girl living in West Michigan. Last summer we only had two 90 degree days. This year it's not as mild, but still pretty mild compared to the south. They complain at 85. I tell them at least they can enjoy being outside during the summer. I love the climate here.

    You do become acclimated to your climate though. When it stays in the mid and high 90s here, people die. And these yankees aren't wimps when it comes to cold weather like we southerners are.

  • trevor

    So many hot women on this thread - WHOOooooooooo

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