What would you do ?

by Es 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich
    What would you do if you knew someone had no respect for you and only associates with you coz they have to????

    The revers of this is true regarding me and the witnesses.

    But seriously, fnck 'em all !! You don't need them!

  • nicolaou
    After months of feeling crap and stressed out ive decided not to be round this person anymore, I deserve better than that. What would you do?

    Same as you Es. Perhaps give them one chance to explain themselves but that'd be about it. The burden is on them to change, not you.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I feel for you. I've got the same problem with one of my sisters. Its like she tries to get some sort of control over me by deliberately making me feel miserable - bullying by any other definition. I can't find a way to ask her why she does it because she would just turn that around on me by saying I'm imagining things or whatever and that would be another victory for her. I've decided to keep my distance from her even though that doesn't feel good either but I have the feeling that sometime soon she's gonna come unstuck because other people are beginning to realise what shes doing.

    I hope it all works out the best way for you.

  • AuntieJane

    I think rather than remove yourself totally from the family gatherings, it is best if a person keeps up the communication.

    The best way to handle people like you describe is to just smile at them when they say something RUDE...then say,

    in a NON-sarcastic tone (this would be hard for me) "I really can't believe you would say something like that."(use this phrase and use it each time as needed)....

    AND then just walk away. Keep it Simple, Short and Sweet. Then find someone else to talk to. People will see who is the

    True Bitch very quickly.

    I'd love to hear how it goes for you, I think it should take care of your problems. If she responds, etc. just ignore her, or

    nod at her and smile. She will look Stupid.

    From the voice of experience,

    Auntie J

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    This sounds exactly like a few of my sister in laws. They say little jabs and are mean and spiteful people. They will even walk into a room and pointedly ignore me.

    For some reason they think I am a bad person when in fact they are just being stuck up ill mannered pigs.

    I don't put up with it and neither should you.

    I know I am a good and kind person and the fact that people who are nasty don't like me or you is not a reflection on us...but in fact a reflection on them.

    Just my thoughts,


  • gumby

    How about you look them in the eye and say.." do you hang out with me because you have to?. Please explain."


  • LouBelle

    Best leave someone like that - you don't need people like that in your life. If they don't respect you, can't be decent toward you then you don't need to waste your time on that person. Less stress, less worries.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I've been in the same situation es and I handled it poorly. If I could go back, I would simply 1) Be myself at all times and not give into the 'bend over backwards to please other's response. 2) Speak up for myself, respectfully question them when they make off the wall remarks rather than ignore them, try to understand then be understood (Steve Covey) This will earn respect from these types of people when they realize they can't put you down to your face and get away with it.

    The reason I would do this is because it would make things easier on both me and my partner. He wouldn't have to get in the middle or choose sides and I could walk into any situation knowing I could handle myself.

    ((((((((((((((((((( es )))))))))))))))))))))


  • Es

    Thank you all soooo much you dont know what it means to me. luv ya es

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