My last District Convention (I hope) ... observations

by ithinkisee 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I loved your rundown.. more specifics please!

    A friend of mine told me that after he became apostate he went to an assembly with his parents. He found all the brainwashing completely facinating and took over 50 pages of notes!


  • Netty

    GEEEEROSSS! Thank you Ithinkisee for sharing this with us. Hey, at least it gave you a purpose for enduring through the entire assembly, to fill us in. Seems like the society is going back to its harshness again.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    There was a catch phrase used through almost every interview with publishers, etc. - "No regrets" - in their decision to avoid lucrative secular employment, scholarship opportunities, etc. This was uttered countless times - almost every life experience (several dozen) from youths on up had that phrase. And if they didn't use it particularly - the speaker would ask it - "Any regrets?" . Why would you tell someone they need to eat better unless you felt that they weren't eating right. Same thing is going on here. They know many do have regrets even if they can't express them and why wouldn't they when they see they are still here living in this "system" and all those that didn't listen to the watchtower are much better off than they are. Everytime you need to go to a doctor or dentist be thankful that someone in the past didn't listen to the watchtower. Think of all the medicines that have come about because people went to college and became scientist rather than peddle magazines with the intent of getting others to peddle magazines.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I have a question. Could someone tell me how to highlight a text and also how to separate paragraphs? Whenever I post everything seems to get pushed all together.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Hey I think.

    So you are going to tell your wife? Are you going to try to help her leave first? Just curious. Once you are an apostate, she won't talk about it. Right?


  • Sirona

    Thanks, IthinkIsee, for that summary.

    It makes me feel sick to the stomach when I hear of the way they're misleading youngsters. Telling them to pioneer and not get an education. Then a few years later, those same pioneers are struggling, they may get married and not be able to support their family (it happened to me) all because of the "advice". So they get a full time job tossing burgers or something and the congregation disowns them. GRRR

    Then you get my JW family saying "why on earth would you waste your time trying to get a degree?!" What purpose will it serve you?! then in the next breath...."you know, you are not a nice person now that you are not going to the hall" (by not a nice person they mean that I talk back at them when they try and guilt trip I'm being "not a nice person").


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    So last weekend was my last District Convention. I plan on breaking the news to my wife real soon. Nowadays even at the meetings my blood pressure raises and my back gets all tense as I sit and listen to some of the stuff we are supposed to believe. I also wanted to reply to your opening comment. I know just how you feel. I knew I had to leave or go crazy sitting there in all those boring meetings so I left. Your situation sounds kind of similar how mine was. Keep in mind that once you tell someone, even your wife things happen very fast. I barely got my letter of disassociation off be for I got a call from the elders. I went from having hundreds of jw friends to no one speaking to me within a couple of days of telling my wife. But I must say: "NO REGRETS" HA Ha!!

  • iggy_the_fish

    I quit!:

    I have a question. Could someone tell me how to highlight a text and also how to separate paragraphs? Whenever I post everything seems to get pushed all together.

    Tick the Automatic Cr/Lf box underneath the posting window to stop your paragraphs disappearing. For the other functions, have a play with all the buttons you should see above the posting window. ig.

  • cyber-sista
    This was highlighted with the drama that everyone marveled over... how Timothy had "no regrets" of choosing the full-time ministry over college and a lucrative business career with his friend and how he was blessed.

    Talk about going beyond the things written... Many of the young JWs I knew are in college or getting ready to go to college--so what does this mean for them? More pressure and guilt--poor kids.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Thank you Iggy, I'll try it and see what happens.

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