What's your view on my "Being the Brother" issue that came up today?

by soundbox_guy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • soundbox_guy

    Thanks for the responses. I like free-thinking atmospheres where everyone is satisfied and not just one person. And I'm not into those people that are hung up on power and feel like it doesn't matter what the person under them thinks. And by the way, katiekitten, I'm not that much of a "young'in", I've been with a woman your age before. And I don't mean just in the same room either.

  • katiekitten

    Thats the attitude young 'un!!! Nothing wrong with women my age. Now, your job is to preach that message to all men between the age of, say, 21 and 27...

    Actually im partial to a bit of fresh meat - my partner is only a couple of years older than you.

  • kwintestal

    I remember being 14 years old and getting that from a bunch of pioneer hags. Pretty much the same deal, I was the "brother" so I had to order them around. This was the last time I skipped school to go door-to-door.

    I'd say they resemble nothing of the "good and capable wife" that Proverbs speaks of.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    pioneer hags

    Ha ha Kwin..yep thats pretty much how i remember them too!!Bitter and twisted Man Haters.

  • jimakazi


    If you have been on this site and had a little look arround you would rapidly come to the conclusion that the JW's are much less than they claim. So I'm wondering why you would be out witnessing at all; why try and convert people to this religion that is so against free thought, changes it's doctrine like we change our shoes, backed the NAZI's in 34, now claim even fading away is apostacy.

    I am have been JW nuetral for 18 years since doing the big "fade" - but now thanks to the WWW I've got the evidence, and I'm "anti". People I care about are still enslaved; thinking they have the "truth" while the real truth is they are wasting their lives.

  • jaffacake

    Soundbox Guy,

    You must be like a breath of fresh air in a KH.
    Bluesbrother & Jimakazi make good points. Do you believe in God? If the answer is no, then I wonder why you would continue as a JW. If the answer is yes, then I wonder why you would seek to convert people to an anti-Christian organisation that would significantly diminish their chances of salvation.

    I know of one JW who converted to Christianity. He went back to every person he took into the JW organisation, until each and every one came out of it again, he showed them proof of a false prophet and each converted to true Christianity.

  • simplesally

    What you did by asking is taking the lead. You are asking for input. You are being courteous. Like Blondie said, delegation is also "being the Brother."

  • lawrence

    If you wanted to be "a good Brother" you should have sent them all home after they ditched the b.s. literature in a dumpster. BTW, taking the group out for ten o'clock beers would have served a greater need than the coffee shop.

  • Dan-O

    The sheep need a leader with a crook to herd them.

  • skyman


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