As a sexual abuse survivor myself.....................

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    ...................and mother of a child abused at the hands of a JW, I found the whole Michael Jackson trial and support by his fans insulting and hurtful!

    Who of us can be sure if he did abuse kids or not? How can anyone say he is guilty or innocent (except a victim if there is one)? My point is not whether he is or isn't innocent.

    I feel that the MJ fans who camped outside the court with posters held up ..''Michael is innocent'' etc, were behaving like JWs and the WTS with regards to sexual abuse. What I mean is that the fans must never have entertained the possability that MJ did abuse innocent boys and got away with it. Just like the dubs who bury their heads in the sand on the same matter. MJ fans are more concerned about his fame and image, sound familiar?

    I don't want to sound bitter but I believe it would have been much more respectful for ANY abuse survivor if the fans had just kept their opinions to themselves and waited for the outcome rather than, if he did abuse someone, run the risk of hurting the victim again and more.

    It's hard enough to talk about one's sexual abuse, let alone confront the abuser. When the abuser is someone of fame, power, or cloth who is going to believe a kid tarnishing that popular, respected person's image and name? It takes guts and respecting that would be the right thing to do.

    It hurt me alot to think that there could be victims out there, yet they would never get a fair go because people had already made MJ the innocent victim before the trial even started, just because of who he is.

    Anyone have similair feelings or thoughts? Or want to share an opinion?

    I'ld love to hear from you.

    Cheers, Bliss

  • Jeffro
    it would have been much more respectful for ANY abuse survivor if the fans had just kept their opinions to themselves and waited for the outcome rather than, if he did abuse someone, run the risk of hurting the victim again and more.

    I don't think he abused the children. The parents of the children allowed the children to share his bed with them, and in at least some of the cases, it was the children who asked to sleep with him, not Jackson who manipulated the events to get them into any particular situation. Celebrities with lots of money become targets for extortion, and Jackson made himself a much easier target because of his childishness and eccentricity.
    That said, it is clear that the court case would evoke memories in other individuals who have been abused in unrelated cases, and for that reason is was insensitive for fans to make such public and fanatical demonstrations of support. But fans don't think of that when the person they idolize is being accused. I think you would have a difficult time trying to convince them en masse not to express their support.

  • Dragonlady76

    The boy's family had a very shady past, I think this really hurt the prosecuters case against MJ. However MJ goes beyond being eccentric, there is something very wrong with MJ's desire to only be around children 24/7, he is a grown man and should have friends his own age. I don't know if he molested the boy or not, but my gut says he did. Guess we will never know the truth. I don't see anything wrong with the fans showing support for MJ, they TRULY believe he is innocent and think the boy's family is only after $$$$$. I can see where your comming from Bliss. sorry


  • Ellie

    I wouldn't like to say one way or the other whether he abused kids or not, but I don't agree with what Jeffro said.

    He is a grown man and it doesn't matter whether the childs parents or the child themselves asked to share his bed, he should no way be in the same bed as someone elses child, thats just asking for trouble.

  • foreword


    Sadly this case involving MJ is a victory for the predators. I think there was plenty of circumstancial evidence to prove that MJ has a warped mind and is a sexual predator of young boys.

    Sick puppy is what he is.

  • Jeffro

    I am not convinced that Jackson's interest in children is sexual, but I do agree that it is not normal.
    Not every type of abnormal or obsessive behaviour, or the focus thereof, is sexual.

  • Odrade

    The only thing the MJ case acquittal "proves" is that the prosecution did not sufficiently make their case to convict in a criminal trial. There are plenty of criminals in this country roaming around "innocent" because the prosecution failed to make their case.

    The fans can interpret this acquittal however they like. Hopefully time will tell what the real story is, whether he is "only" guilty of "inappropriate behaviour" (anyone remember him checking into the Dorchester 2 years ago with a 12 year old boy and no direct supervision?) or whether he is indeed guilty of sexual predation.

  • doofdaddy

    What I got from Blisses comment was the pressure on the child victim seeing hundreds of fans protesting that the perpetrator is innocent. It must be incredibly hard for kids to face questioing let alone protesters.

    Bless the little children.

  • bikerchic


    I think you answered your question here:

    I don't want to sound bitter but I believe it would have been much more respectful for ANY abuse survivor if the fans had just kept their opinions to themselves and waited for the outcome rather than, if he did abuse someone, run the risk of hurting the victim again and more.
    You see to you and me and others who have been survivors of sexual abuse in any form we are very suspicious of a person who has not once, not twice but humm how many times has Michael Jackson been acquitted of inappropriate actions involving children? We would have no problem in silently waiting for the outcome, I can only say this as an observation; with so many fans supporting Michael Jackson in such a vocal manner, maybe there is hope that at least that many people have not been victims of sexual abuse. They surly would not be cheering him on if they had been.
  • nowisee

    as weird as he is and as strange as he is and as many of his actions are, well, at least inappropriate....

    my gut feeling says he is innocent.

    so much for gut feelings. and i guess that is why we have the rule of law. and even that makes mistakes.

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