Is bible actually saying that man has existed at least 40.000 years

by zagor 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zagor

    Please read following if you have a bible handy:

    Deuteronomy 7:9

    1 Chronicles 16:15

    Psalms 105:8

    Is bible inadvertently telling us that man has lived here for at least 40.000 years, and not mere 6000

    1,000 gen x 40 yr/gen = 40,000 yr

  • Abaddon

    You can make the Bible say virtually anything if you want.

    I think radiocarbon et. al. dating of human remains and artifacts is a far more sensible approach.

  • greendawn

    If you take Bible chronology using its genealogies all the way to Adam it goes back six to eight thousand years depending on which of the three old testament versions you read, but not forty thousand years.

  • Narkissos

    Even for die-hard literalists I don't think this would work backwards... However, in the "forward direction" (1000 generations from Abraham onward) that might be a problem for predicting the end of the world anytime soon... never thought of that!

  • LongHairGal

    I just never could accept the teaching that man has only been here for six thousand years.

  • skyman

    I like please keep my brain working with questions like this.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    only apostates would ask bad questions like that... are you guys apostates? is this an apostate site? does the society know what's going on here?

  • ezekiel3

    (Deuteronomy 5:10) but exercising loving-kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love me and keep my commandments. . .

    (1 Chronicles 16:15) Remember his covenant even to time indefinite, The word that he commanded, to a thousand generations,

    (Psalm 105:8) He has remembered his covenant even to time indefinite, The word that he commanded, to a thousand generations,

    WTS explanation:

    *** it-1 p. 917 Generation ***

    The term can be used as a measure of time with reference to past or future ages. The generations of mankind descended from the sinner Adam have been transitory, as contrasted with the earth, which abides forever. (Ec 1:4; Ps 104:5) But the expressions "unnumbered generations" and "a thousand generations" refer to that which is to time indefinite.

  • JeffT

    I won't be able to get to my reference book on this until tomorrow, but I will try to remember to do it. My Zondervan Bible Encyclopedia says that the generations in Genesis refer to longer periods of time and that Adam may have been created 100,000 years ago.

  • zagor

    Personally, I always thought this was only a figurative speech, but I was intrigued when it was used buy some 'scholars' to make comparison/connection between scientific data and bible

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